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A little bit of norenmin at the last part (hehe👀😬)

Mark and his team mates infiltered the huge mansion as discreetly as possible.  Jaemin's strategy of driving the guards away proved easy for them to surround the whole house.

"Jeno, you take few people and go through the back door. I will join you later.” Mark rechecked his gun as he talked to his friend.

“Are you sure? I can stay here and help you. We can just send some people inside. It’s unsafe for you to be alone here.” Jeno reasoned.

“No Jeno. You have to go. I don’t trust anyone except you in this mission. There are so many snitches in the mafia that I won’t be surprised if they turn their guns on us.” Mark humorlessly chuckled, Jeno reciprocated it.

Without saying anything more, Jeno nodded and moved out of their hiding space.

Mark slowly came out as well and cautiously walked forward in the direction of Donghyuck’s room. He looked around and spotted Donghyuck’s window.

He squinted his eyes to find Renjun standing there and helping someone to climb down. It was insanely dim but he could make out two figures at the foot of the ladder. It was Jaemin and…

His Donghyuck.

The said boy looked like he had been crying. Mark walked ahead and looked a little bit closer. He could see bluish bruises on his face. His blood boiled at the thought of whoever did this to him and he exactly knew who it was.

“Hyu-” Mark was interrupted by the sound of a loud gunshot. His breath hitched.

A series of more gunshots followed.

The interior of the mansion was in a complete mess. People from the mafia found themselves in an intense gun fight with the guards who were stationed inside. It was an anticipated outcome, therefore Jeno and everyone else came prepared to blow some skulls off. Also for Jeno, this fight was personal. He was there to help his best friend who was always there for him since the first time they met.

“M-mark…why did- why are you here?” Donghyuck somehow came back from the shocked state and looked towards the boy who was standing in front of him. His question made absolutely no sense but he was so scared and overwhelmed at the same time that he didn’t care what was coming out of his mouth.

However Donghyuck’s world froze and his trembling hands went up to cover his mouth when he saw red oozing out of Mark's shirt. Was he so lost that he didn’t register his father somehow followed Mark and stabbed him with a rusty knife.

"D-donghyuck-" Mark was shocked himself. He looked down in pain.

“No-no.. Mark, please hold o-on.” Donghyuck rushed to his side and held him in his arms before Mark lost his balance and fell to the ground.

He could see from his peripheral vision that Renjun and Jaemin were pointing their guns at his father, who was bewildered at the betrayal of his two most important men.

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE HYUNSUNG? WHY DON’T YOU JUST LET ME LIVE in PEACE?” Donghyuck screamed at his father, who was looking at him with an annoyed expression.

“I won’t allow some low life to corrupt your mind. He is nothing but a gold digger and I don’t want such people in my business. If he dies, nothing will change. Now get up and go back to your room Donghyuck and forget about this thing.” The man looked at Mark as if he was some kind of pest.

Donghyuck was slowly losing his mind at how his father was behaving. Tears blurred his vision when he felt Mark clutch his shirt to gain his attention.

Donghyuck looked down at his lap, few of his teardrops falling onto Mark’s shirt. Mark shook his head with pleading eyes, asking him to leave him there and go back.

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