First dates

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I laughed all through dinner, I blushed when he was charming, I smiled the whole bloody time, everything felt just right.

"I'm putting this out there now," he started "we're not spending tonight with each other."He looked very serious.

"Ok, is there a problem?" I asked a little disappointed as I was well and truly looking forward to that bit of our date.

"Not in the slightest" he leaned forward, tipping my chin to him as he got close. "I'm very much looking forward to spending a lot more nights with you" he kissed me gently "but we had a very intense weekend and I want this to be a little more than just a weekend and just sex"

There was a pause. I couldn't quite believe he was being this sensible, and despite being a little disappointed I was excited about the fact that he wanted to be with all of me, not just sex or appearances but spend time together and maybe make this work.

"Sounds like you have this planned out" I smiled.

"Not exactly planned out but ... let's try and keep things PG until date three" he raised an eye brow and I could have pounced on him there and then! I huffed - but knew he had a point.

"Fine" I sat back up, "shall we have dessert?" He picked up his menu as well and sat back in his chair watching, trying to figure out what was going on in my mind.

What was going on in my mind, was that I would go along with his plan, but I would make it (and him) as hard as possible!

I picked something I could eat in an over-the-top sultry manner and did my very best to keep eye contact as I did so. "I know what you're doing" he smirked.

"Good" I slid my hand up his thigh under the table and he took a deep breath.

He paid the bill and walked me to a taxi. "I'll see you in the week perhaps?" He asked holding my hips to his in the open door of the car.

"Just one stop?" The taxi driver asked out of the window as we said goodbye.

"Yes, he's walking home" I kissed him quickly and slid into the car as he shut the door and put his hands in his pockets.

Borel: Wednesday? It'll have to be after curtain, can you stay up that late?

I could still see him in the car's mirror he was definitely keen.

Me: I can stay up late :) thank you for a lovely evening. X

I don't think I slept for the next few days the first night I was missing him and bloody horney the second we were texting most of the night and Tuesday night I started getting nervous excitement for the next day. We'd arranged that I meet him at a little bar just up from the theatre. I turned up on time but he'd text telling me he would be a little late as there were lots of people at the stage door and he felt bad just leaving.

"Good night?" I asked as he sat and took a big gulp of the drink I'd got ready for him once he said he was on his way.

"It was, lots of groups of drunk women! So good audience but slightly handsy meet and greet after" he shuffled up close to me behind the table. We had a little corner booth at the back and it was nice and private.

"Oh yeah? And here's me not allowed to get my hands on you and you're giving it away at the stage door" I pouted.

He put an arm around me and pulled me close, using his other hand to turn my face to him. "You can put your hands wherever you like," his hand slipped under the table and onto my thigh "I just thought I would try and be a good boy and take things slowly" his hand now slowly creeping up the inside of my leg "and perhaps make things a little more... intense once we do properly get our hands on each other" his lips were millimetres from mine, his eyes were dark but that cute smile covered his lips.

We spent the night huddled in the dark - we'd leant a lot about each other the last few weeks but now he was getting a little more intimate. And the fact that I wanted to drag him into the bathroom and go to town made it so much more intense.

"So, how about we have a truthful moment." He started.

"Have you not been telling the truth yet?" I joked.

"When you can finally have your way with me - what would be your perfect experience?" He asked as he sat back and I blushed.


"Have I got you flustered?" He looked excited. "I'll tell you what I think and you can correct me if I'm wrong. You like someone else to be in control? You've said you're a little scatty and I'm guessing that having someone lead in the bedroom is something that you like?" I licked my lips and nodded. "And perhaps someone taking control from you?" He asked as he gently wrapped his fingers around my wrist.

"Sounds like you know what you're talking about?" I suggested.

"Well maybe that's my kinda perfect night as well" he grinned and I couldn't help but reach forward and kiss him.

He walked me home slowly, we held hands we snuggled and at my door he kissed me goodnight and with a big sigh we both left.

Me : date three then? Can it be soon? I think I might explode!

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