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Me: I have a read through at 11, mid town, I could be with you for a late lunch though? X

Borle: I'm in midtown later. We could meet there, or are you still hiding me ;)

Me : I've never been hiding you! We said we'd keep press out for a bit. I could meet you somewhere, let me know when you're done xx

Borle : will do, have fun xxx

I put down my phone and watched the city go by as I headed to the rehearsal room. I'd been in talks for a while about a new musical and it was starting to take off. It would be a small run, small/ish cast and they were putting together someone to lead with me. I'd tried out with a few other guys and nothing quite seemed right, today was the last one they were hoping would be perfect.

The chorus had been called earlier and I headed down a bit before I was needed to see how things were going. There was lots of blocking and trying different things here and there.

"Here she is, our leading lady" the director, James, made a fuss, which I didn't really like. I skulked in and sat quietly in the corner asking everyone to carry on as I was enjoying it so much.

"Hello love" James came over during the break, "you enjoying it?"

"Very much so. I can't wait to get stuck in"

"Good. Our man will be here any second. He's currently in a production so we only have him until about 3 I think, but I've got a good feeling, he has chemistry with every living thing I've ever seen him around, so he's bound to shine next to you"

"Sounds ideal" I smiled and got out my script as the doors opened and in flustered our guy.

"So fucking sorry I'm late" I recognise his voice instantly and I looked up with shock and pleasure. "Hey you," he smiled.

"Hello your self" I reached up for a kiss on the cheek.

"You two know each other?" The director asks liking between us.

"Something like that yeah" I hid an embraced smile as Christian didn't hide his filthy grin.

"Perfect, that makes my job much easier" James left us to it for a moment.

"How did we not know this?" I asked as we sat trying to his the fact that 4 hours earlier we'd been naked together in his shower.

"Fuck knows, but I like it - I'm pretty sure I've just walked into my next job" he chuckled. "You haven't given any details, and there are 100s of plays rehearsing right now, is it a problem?" He nudged my knee as I was deep in thought.

"What? No, of course not! In fact it's going to make this pretty bloody fun" I smiled and pulled him to his feet as we set about our first scene.

They wanted to see how we did chemistry wise, how easy it was for us to get along - the endless flirting and cheeky comments from Christian meant that he could make it look and feel like he was getting on with anyone, but especially with me. Then we had a scene where he had to woo me at a bar and then we had to make out as we left.

"I don't think I want this to end?" Christian read his line

"Me neither but things can't stay the same for ever" I looked up into his eyes as I felt him hold my wrist at our sides.

He had one more line but I barely heard it for the blood pumping in my ears before he kissed me, his fingers running up my neck into the base of my hair and I had to work hard to stop my knees from buckling. "And stop there. Well that was hot!" The director called and Christian lingered slightly longer than he needed. "We'll have like 30 minutes and then try a few songs. Sound good?" Everyone nodded and found their food for lunch.

"You two are totally fucking right?" Hannah, one of the producers sidled next to me as we looked over at James and Borle.

"Ummm, we have, maybe been on a few dates, and umm..." I fumbled over word and she just looked at me - totally dead pan. "Yes, fucking hell, we're kinda seeing each other"

"Oh my good I love it!" She softened. "How long has this been a thing?"

"A couple of months. We hooked up at Andrew's party and then met back up in the city when we got back"

"Is it good? It must be good, you two are dripping sex, I feel like he'd be really fucking good" she had no filter and id known her long enough to not blush.

"It's fucking amazing! He's amazing- I literally can't get enough" we both were looking over when he spotted we were staring and headed over.

"You two ladies ok?" He smiled and stood close to me.

"We very much are" Hannah blushed a little. "I'll I'm leave you two in peace" she headed off and he leant back against the window sill we were sat in, his hand by our sides covertly tickling my leg with his little finger.

"How you doing?" He asked, his eyes serious for a moment.

"I'm good, you?"

"Yeah, I'm worrying a little. You're a dead set and I kinda really want this job."

"Why's that then?" I cocked my head to one side.

"Bills" he delivered seriously and I giggled loudly "and the leading lady is so fucking hot, the thought of spending every night on stage with her and evenings hanging out gets me rather excited. And the thought of all of the dressing room sex, gets me rather hard" he whispered close to my ear. "How do you think I'm doing?" He asked moving away slightly.

"I think you're gonna be ok" I smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek before heading to put in a good word with the director.

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