Dead or alive, that is the question

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We all walk in to find the three of them still working. "You guys stayed here all night?" Morgan asks and the three of them nod. 

"I found out a good area of where he might be keeping the kids when he takes them." Spencer say. 


"The basement of the elementary school." He says and we all rush out of there to try and get where we need to go to find Jack. Hotch look like he's about at his wits end with all of this and I don't blame him. 

When we get there Gideon, Morgan, and Spencer go one direction while Hotch, Emily, and I rush to get to the basement another way. When we get to the basement we find a door partly open and I hold my gun out in front of me as I slowly walk into the room. 

Hotch and Emily walk in after me and I go left as Emily goes right and Hotch continues forward. I walk down the hall but don't hear or see anything, but there is a strong and pungent smell coming from the room at the end of the hall. I hear Emily shout out "Clear!" 

I turn back briefly to see her heading in Hotch's direction and I open the door at the end of the hall. I open the door to see the Janitor of the school sitting in a chair with a note on his lap, and parts of his brain spattered around the room with a gun on the floor. 

"Oh god." I nearly gag and have to step out of the room. I walk back in after a bit and reach into my pocket and grab a pair of gloves and pick up the note. I turn around when I hear the sound of the door moving again, to see Gideon standing there. 

He holds out an open evidence bag and I put the note in it. We both walk out of the room and go to try and find the others. When we walk down the hall that Hotch went down we see Morgan standing off in another hallway at the end of this one to the left. 

He has a hand over his mouth and isn't looking at us. I walk past him and over to the room where Spencer and Emily are standing in the doorway. I hear crying as I get closer and when I get to the room I see Hotch kneeling in the middle of the room holding the body of a little boy as he cries. 

"I should have figured this out earlier." I faintly hear Spence say and look over to see him stepping away and over to Gideon. Gideon hugs him and they walk away from everyone to most likely get out of the basement. 

Morgan follows them, leaving Emily and I down here with Hotch. Soon the Medical Examiners get down there, Hotch stands up and brings Jack's body over to the gurney. He places a kiss on his forehead and walks out of the basement. I show them to the other body and then head upstairs with Emily following. 

When we get outside of the school and into the different SUV's Hotch sits in the back of the one Morgan and I get in. Morgan decides to drive and I look back from time to check on Hotch. The broken and defeated look in his eyes hurt. 

We happen to have to go by the street where Hailey lived, due to road construction. "Stop the car for a moment Morgan." Hotch says as we get close to her house. Morgan pulls into her driveway and parks the car. Hotch gets out and we watch him walk up to the door and unlock it before shutting it. 

"Morgan I don't think I've ever seen such a defeated look in his eyes before."

"I don't think any of us have JJ. Hell he had more life in his eyes when we got him back from taking Pretty boy's place about a month ago." Morgan says. 

"I know. He didn't look good during that time, how bad is it going to be this time?"

"I don't know JJ. All we can do is be there for him during all of this and hope that he lets one or all of us know if he needs help." He says and then Hotch walks out of the house with a bag in hand and lock the door again. He walks back over to the car and gets in. 

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