A new beginning

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{Three years after the trial}


Even all these years later, knowing that she's in prison is the best feeling in the world. Sean and I haven't spoken since our argument about the trial a day before it happened. Not saying that we spoke much anyway.

I walk out of my office when I hear laughter and I find Spencer surrounded by books at his desk and hunched over while holding his side and laughing.

"Pretty boy what's so funny?" Morgan asks.

Emily walks around and looks at some of the books before falling into a fit of laughter as well. Morgan decides to investigate and soon he's laughing as he leans against his desk. In that time Emily has somehow made it to the floor in her fit of laughter.

"The three of them are laughing, this can't be a good sign." Dave says and I nod.

"Any idea why?"

"My guess is as good as yours. Something in the books has done them in though." He says.

Penelope and JJ both walk in and stare at us and we both shrug. JJ walks over and soon she to is laughing. Penelope tries her hand and leans into Morgan as she laughs.

"What is happening?" Anderson asks.

"No idea. Gina says and they both glance over before looking away and looking at each other trying not to laugh before ultimately failing.

"Alright, I have to know now."

"As do I." Dave says and we both walk over. Dave reads a few and ends up laughing right along with them.

My eyes land in two books and Spencer points to a spot in each. I read them over and lean on the back of his chair.

"Why did he call him an egg?" Emily asks and I can't help but laugh along with everyone.

Morgan and Penelope reenact the scene and we all laugh even harder until all of our faces are red and we take a moment to try and catch our breaths.

"That was entertaining." Dave says as he gathers his composure.

We all pull ourselves together and I lean down and kiss Spencer when he looks up at me. He's taken a notice to my recent mood lately and has since taken it upon himself to find stupid things that will make me smile or laugh.

"How about we call an early day to day?"

"Hell ya!" Morgan says and we all decide to gather our things and head home early.

We get home and Spencer seems giddy and has a smile on his face.

"What's up with you?"

"Nothing, I just need you to stay here for a bit while I go pick something up." Spencer says.


"Calm down, you'll love it." He says and grabs the keys. I kiss him and he leaves to go off and get who the hell knows what.


I had to fight to make this happen but I finally got it signed off that our team could get a service dog/therapy dog. I agreed to have it stay with me and both Dad and Papa are happy to take the dog in as well if it's ever needed.

A friend of mine informed me that they had a dog who would fit this criteria. He works with the K-9 unit and his wife helps train them and therapy dogs.

One of the dogs from the K-9 units had a few puppies around six years ago and now I'm going to pick up the dog. They even have graciously gifted me everything I need.

I pull up to their house and get out. They both walk outside and I smile. Hope walks over and hugs me and I return the gesture. Next Mark shakes my hand and they lead me inside.

"He's just in here." Mark says and we walk into the living room where a German Shepard sits waiting.

"His name is Milo." Hope says and I nod.

"Milo." He looks at me and I hold out my hand. He walks over and sniffs my hand before sitting at my feet and letting me pet him.

"Aaron and the others will be happy. Thank you both."

"Of course. We're happy to help." She says and they help me move everything into the car and Milo hops into the crate and turn around and hug them both before heading home.

When I get home I get out and open the crate and letting Milo out. He comes up next to me and I shut the door and lead him to the house. I unlock the front door and we head inside.


"Yeah?" Aaron calls and we walk further into the house and stop in the living room. Aaron turns from his spot in the kitchen and stares at me confused.

"What is it Spence?" He asks.

"Come here."

He walks out of the kitchen and stops when Milo steps in front of me. Aaron stares at him and then at me and back again. He holds his hand out to Milo and after a moment Milo walks over to him and sits at his feet.

"Meet Milo. He's the team service and therapy dog. But his primary place of residence will be with us."

Aaron pets Milo for a few minutes before letting that sink in and walking over to me.

"Thank you." He says and I smile.

"No problem Aaron. I love you."

"I love you too." He kisses me and I smile more then I already am.

We decide to make dinner together after brining in Milo's things and getting him his food and water.

{Later that night}


We sit on the couch together with Milo at our feet and I wrap an arm around Spencer. Without him I would likely already be dead and I would have missed out on so many great things with him and with the team.

When we started our relationship I never expected it to last and when I asked him to marry me, I was sure that he would leave. But instead he stayed with me.

The day of our wedding I made sure to make it as enjoyable for him as possible. Nothing could ever make me go back and change that day. He was happy and knowing that I made him that happy was all it took.

I always thought that the team could use a support animal of some sort and here he is, with a service dog/therapy dog. Truly only he could have found a dog like this, an here's the proof of it.

I lean down and pat Milo on his head before sitting back up and Spencer leans his head on my shoulder.

{The next day}

We drove into work with Milo sitting in the back and he looks between the two of us. We park the car and get out. I open the back door and he gets out before positioning himself in front of us and walking with us to the elevator.

We get in and head up to our floor to join the team. When the doors open we walk out and head to the bullpen. Milo immediately gets closer to us and we slowly introduce him to the team.

We started with Anderson and then Gina. From there on we moved to Dave, then JJ, then Emily, then Morgan, and finally Penelope.

Now that he understands who to protect, and who he can trust, he made his way through being around us all for a bit, but ultimately decided to stay with me for the most part.

The others have smiled at this and I chuckle a bit, knowing that they can see just how much this dog means to me and I've only known him a few hours.

JJ walks in with a knock on my door and holds up a file. I nod and she walks towards the conference room and I turn to Milo who's laying next to my desk.

"You ready for your first case Milo?"

I get a soft bark from him in response and we stand up and walk to the conference room. Despite a new case, the team seems to be in high spirits and we all seem closer together.

"Alright, everyone gather you things. Wheels up in 30."

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