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War Wanarat, had a sincere look, a faint smile that always graced his face every day, which had also been his lie all along, that smile only covered his sadness, innocent doe eyes and dimples is his trademark.

Eyes that are the opposite of yin anan's. A man with a proportional body, a charming face, and has a firm jaw with perfect sculpture. Charismatic and has a strong aura that is so vibrant but intimidating at the same time.

As clear as ice crystals there are more clearer than that, its his feeling towards yin. Yes, war likes that guy. Perhaps, almost everyone knew, even the cafeteria lady at his school knew, yeah prolly except for yin himself. war felt unable to hide his feelings anymore.

The man has become his strength, a little smile and joy that radiates from him is able to make war happy. He became the sole reason as to why he can still survive in this unfair life. He who usually only looks at him and watches him from afar, who hopes to be close to him every day, who feels satisfied just seeing him laugh, who prays every day to exchange greetings and say hi to each other.

This valentine, he will confess his feelings towards yin. He didnt expect his heart to be reciprocated, he just wanted to convey it so the his burning feeling towards him that always pounding loudly in his chest could be conveyed. Even once, he would give it a try. nothing to lose.

Therefore he mustered all his courage to express his sincere feelings for the man. War hopes that this man could at least give a tiny humble responds because he already prepared for the worst, so its okay.

Now a bar of chocolate is in his hands, after yin finished his some business with a teacher, war who waits for him immediately followed him into his classroom which happened to be empty. Everyone prolly going back home now since class is already finished 30 minutes ago.

Realizing that he had been followed, yin then turned his body and looked coldly at war, who had now stopped walking not far from him..

"What do you want? Why are you following me? You think I won't be uncomfortable with your presence who always follows me wherever I go?" asked yin sarcastically.

Yin secretly realized that the past week there are a boy who happened share the same class with him since semester 1st had been watching him and even followed him around everywhere.

Back then he would just brush it off and ignore him. Back then if he doesnt know about him at all, he would just assume he is just the same maniac fans like his other fans. Back then he would just politely ask what he needs and said that he doesnt want to be followed... But the fact he know him now and it irks him to the core.. how shameless he is to even look at him in the eye like this after all the hell they put him?!

War reached out his hand, gave yin a chocolate bar, "This is a gift, and I just wanted to say that .... I like you, yin. I really like you. I been liking you for so long" he said sincerely.

Hearing that, yin suddenly laughed, until his voice filled the room. Reluctantly, the man pushed him to the ground. The smile on war's lips immediately faded when he saw yin's reaction which was not what he expect from the man who always stay in his mind.. war always thoughts that yin was a kind, a gentle man who wont ever dare to hurt even a small creature like insects for no reason..

"What did you say? You what? You like me?" Yin asked with the rest of his laugh. "Who said you can like me, idiot? Shouldn't you be aware now, that you don't have self-respect?"

Loud footsteps could be heard from the door. Showing a row of students including bright, earth, bibble, gigi and namtan which immediately made war show a frightened face. So far, he has been mentally disturbed because of the treatment of those who always verbally and silently bully on him until his heart is quite hurt and cant handle it. Those gang is the IT gang, the famous , the rich and the big influences in this school.

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