Finding out

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~your pov~
I'm currently sitting on the couch, snuggled in Gamzee's arms. The best place to be. We were watching a movie, a comedy (one of Gamzee's choices of course, and laughing like idiots. That's when Kurloz came through the door, but he wasn't alone. Another boy was behind him. He had messy blond hair and was carrying a skateboard. Of course I recognized him- Sollux's adorable big brother.Gamzee and I turned to look at them. "Guys, this is Mituna. Mituna, this is my little brother Gamzee and his girlfriend (Y/N), you know her" Kurloz said, smiling at the younger boy. Mituna grinned widely and waved, giggling. Him and Kurloz sat on the couch and watched the movie with us. My stomach started hurting, I felt like I had to- oh shit there it is. I quickly jumped up and ran to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me and getting on my knees in front of the toilet. I threw up for about 5 minutes until I heard a knock on the door. "Hey lil' mama? You alright?" Gamzee asked from behind the door. "I'm fine, I'll be out in a second" I replied. I got up and brushed my teeth to get the disgusting taste out. I then returned to the couch and sat back down. "Are you okay? What happened?" Tuna asked. "Mittens, (Y/N) is pregnant. That's why she threw up" Kurloz explained. Mituna's eyes went wide. "Woahhh pregnant?! You mean there's babies in there!?" He asked, getting up and poking my stomach gently. I giggled, smiling. "Yep!" I replied. "Ith it a boy or a girl?" He asked. "we'll find out next week! I scheduled an ultrasound" I smiled. Mituna just grinned and giggled again, then went back to Kurloz. "Being pregnant thounds fun! I want a baby too! Kurlothhhhh! Get me a baby too!" He said, tugging on Kurloz's pant leg. "Mituna, you can't have a baby. You're not a girl" Kurloz explained,laughing. Tuna just pouted. "But kurlothhhh!!!" He whined, laying over Kurloz's lap. "don't worry tuna, you can hold the baby when it comes. I promise" I told him, smiling. "yay!" He giggled again.

~time skip~

Mituna slept over. It's not really hard to tell considering the noise in Kurloz's room. He was sleeping in Kurloz's room with him. They're such a cute couple. Wait, are they even dating? I dunno. " Babe, I know you're confused about all this shit, but a motherfucker needs his sleep" Gamzee mumbled. Shit, I was talking out loud again. "Sorry. Goodnight" I whispered, pressing a sweet, soft kiss to his cheek. I saw him smile and mumble something that sounded like "I love you".


I woke up feeling like absolute shit. Like, it's not even funny. I sat up in bed, yawning. "FUCKEODKEKSJDOCJEKFJ" I heard from the kitchen. I quickly jumped up and went to see what happened, only to find a honey and pancake batter covered Mituna sprawled out on the floor with a bowl on his head. "Tuna baby! Are you alright?" I asked, rushing over to help him. He nodded and sat up. "where's Kurloz and Gamzee?" I asked. "they went out. tho I thought I'd make you breakfatht to make you feel better. but it didn't go very thorry (Y/N).." he replied. "It's fine don't worry about it! Here, let's get you all cleaned up and then we can make breakfast together, kay?" I smiled. "Yethh!" He jumped up and ran to the bathroom while I started cleaning up the kitchen. About fifteen minutes later, Mituna came out of the bathroom. His hair was free of the sticky mess and he didn't have any of it on his body anymore. He was also wearing one of Kurloz's hoodies and a pair of his boxers, which was pretty damn adorable. "leth make the pancaketh!" He grinned, getting the ingredients from the fridge. Fuck yeah homemade pancakes. We made two giant stacks, with a little batter left to spare. you know what that means. Mituna and I looked each other dead in the eyes, and grabbed a handful of batter. He screeched like a howler monkey and threw some at me, I dodged it, it missed me and hit- shit. Kurloz and Gamzee walked through the door in the heat of the moment, and the batter that Tuna threw splattered directly onto Kurloz's face. I tried to contain my laugher and failed. Miserably. "Tuna." Kurloz spoke up calmly. "IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU" he ran towards Mituna, grabbing two pancakes and throwing them at him, hitting him in the face and in the stomach. "kurloth. itth fucking on" Mituna grinned wickedly and proceeded to yell "FOOD FIGHT!!" As we all threw pancakes and eggs at each other. I retrieved the honey bottle from the counter and squeezed it all over Gamzee's stomach. "oh you little-" he was cut off by Kurloz slapping him with a pancake.

~1 hour later~

After cleaning everything-and everyone- up, everybody sat down and cuddled up on the couch to watch a movie. We all fell asleep, until I had to get up and puke again. fuck pregnancy, yo. When I returned back to the couch, Gamzee woke up. "wanna sleep in my room?" He asked. "only if you sleep with me~" I giggled. he smirked, picking me up and carrying me to his room, then gently placed me on the bed. he crawled in beside me and held me close. "Gamzee? What if...what if it's not yours?" I asked quietly. "That won't change anything at all. I'll still love them the same, just like I'll love you the same. Even if it's not mine, it'll still be beautiful and amazing like you" he said, smiling and kissing my cheek. I felt like crying. it's just so amazing that he put up with everything that happened just to make me happy. "thank you Gamzee. thank you so much. you're so amazing I just-" I stopped, crying into his chest. he patted my back, shooshing me lightly. "shoosh babygirl, it's alright. I'll always be here for you. don't worry". He kept doing that until I fell asleep. Gamzee made me feel safe, like I had a purpose. he saved me. I love him so much.

Healing wounds: gamzee x depressed reader.Where stories live. Discover now