Pain. sweet, sweet pain.

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I don't own these characters they belong to Andrew hussie (except for you duh)

I woke up to a slamming door. I'm used to it really. Used to hearing my parents fight. Used to the pain. I never thought it'd be like this. 16 years old and depressed as hell, contemplating suicide every single day of my life.

My clock flashed 7:30 am. " starts at 9:00" I say to myself quietly. It was my first day at my new school.

I got out of bed and slowly walked over to the bathroom, praying my dad won't hear me. "So far so good" I thought. Once I was in the bathroom, I lifted my shirt up a little, examining the bruises and scrapes that my father left on me the previous night.

"That's what sweaters are for I guess" I mumble to myself , walking back to my room. I got changed into some (F/C) tights, a (F/C) tank top and my favorite oversized sweater,long enough to cover my hands, seeing as there was cuts and bruises all over them.

I grabbed my backpack from the corner of my room and looked at my clock. 8:30. "Holy shit" I thought. I made my way downstairs and to the front door, putting on my shoes. "I'm gonna make it..." I mumbled.

Just then, the basement door burst open and my father came out of it.

"Hey where the fuck do you think you're going you little bitch?!" he yelled, walking over to me and kicking me in the leg. I fell to the ground, and tried to get back up. "Next time when I ask you to have the house clean, you do it. Have a great day at school, you useless piece of shit" he said, growling.

I slowly got up and went out the door,slamming it behind me and making(more like limping) my way to my new high school. "Sburb high" the sign read. I slowly walked towards the doors and went inside. It was really big.

I went to the office to get my schedule and my locker number. I was greeted by a short girl with blue glasses.

"hello I'm (Y/N). I'm new" I smiled.

 "Ah yes,the new student!" She beamed. "I'm Aranea. Here is your schedule and your locker number" she said, handing you a piece of paper. "Home room starts at 9:05" she added.

I looked at the clock. it was 8:55. "I still have time to find my locker and stuff" I thought. "thank you very much" I said as I exited the office. My locker was 437. I found it easily in a couple minutes. I opened it up, putting my things in it.

Someone opened a locker  beside me, I looked over to see a tall boy with messy jet black hair and white clown makeup on. "Hey sis" he greeted, smiling crookedly. His voice was low, but I found it.....oddly attractive. I had to admit, I did find him scary. But something about him was...appealing?

"uhh...hi" I replied shyly.

"You must be new, yeah?" he asked smiling.

"Y-Yes. My names (Y/N)" I say smiling back.

"That's a cute name. I'm Gamzee" he said.

 I blushed a little. oh no, I cant get a crush now, this is too soon . "T-Thanks" I stuttered.

"So, what class you got right now?" He asked, peeking over at the piece of paper in my hand.

 I looked at my schedule. "English" I said.

"Me too sis! Honk" he said, chuckling.

I giggled a little at his 'Honk'. The both of us compared schedules and we had every class together.

"Let's go before the teacher loses her tits" He said, pulling my arm. We entered the class and sat at the back. First ones here.

 "For once you're on time, Mr. Makara?" the teacher asked, surprised.

 "Of course motherfucker, I had to help my sis get to her first class" he smirked, looking at me.

"Language!" The teacher snapped, rolling his eyes at Gamzee. He then turned to me, smiling warmly. "Hello dear, you must be (Y/N) the new student. I'm Dr. Scratch" he said.

Class was boring.
Life is boring.
Everything sucks.
-edgy teens (a poem by me)

~time skip to lunch~

After class, Gamzee walked with me to the lunchroom. We grabbed our food, walked to a table and sat down.


The cafeteria doors slammed open as the voice ripped through the room. A boy walked over to the table and sat down.

 I almost burst out laughing. How could such a little boy have such a strong voice?

"Hey best friend" Gamzee said happily. The boy was short. Taller than me by a little bit. He had short black hair and bags under his eyes, resembling lack of sleep, I figured.

"This is (Y/N)" Gamzee said pointing to you.

"That's cool. I'm Karkat" the boy waved, not bothering to look at me and just picking at his food.

"Hi" I greet him with about as much emotion as he did me(so like none).

We all chatted for a while, Karkat going on about some girl named Terezi. I couldn't help but notice Gamzee cringe at the mention of her name.

The bell rang loudly ,lunch ends and I left to my next class.

~le time skip to the end of the day cuz I'm lazy as fuck and have no motivation to write right now~

"Hey, want to come over to my place? Just to hang out, you can meet my brother. And we can get to know each other better" Gamzee said.

"Sure!" I replied as he put an arm around me.

 We walked to his apartment, his hand around my waist the whole time. We walked into the building and up to his place. he unlocked the door to his apartment. " here we are" He said smiling.


Healing wounds: gamzee x depressed reader.Where stories live. Discover now