To crush or to be crushed

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(Kurloz is not mute in this ok)

You walked into gamzees apartment. It was a little dirty, but you didn't really care. Pie tins, possibly dirty clothes, and empty bottles all over. "Sorry about the mess" Gamzee mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. "its fine" You replied, smiling. Gamzee's older brother, whom you don't know the name of yet,walked out of his room and into the living room.
He had messy hair too, the same as Gamzee. He was also wearing clown makeup, but a different design. He had piercings on the top and bottom of his lips, looking as if his mouth had been stitched.
"Hey bro, this is my wicked sis (Y/N)" Gamzee told his brother. "I'm kurloz" He said shaking your hand and then patting you on the back. You smiled. "I'm going out somewhere so I'll be back in a couple hours. don't do stupid shit" Kurloz said as he went out the door.
Gamzee sat on the couch, inviting you to sit beside him. You layed your head in his lap (smooth). he smiled and started brushing your hair away from your face. "You seemed pretty eager to come over. Why is that?" He asked. "I don't wanna go home" You replied ,a tear forming in your eye. "damn sis what the motherfuck is all up and bothering you?" Gamzee asked, a concerned tone in his voice.
"I-it's nothing forget about it" you said trying to choke back the tears as you sat up. Gamzee held you close as you cried into his chest. He rubs his hands on your back in attempt to soothe you.
"It's gonna be alrig- WHAT THE FUCK" he says as he feels the scrapes. He goes behind you and lifts your shirt,examining the cuts and bruises. "what happened?" he asked. I stayed silent. "this is serious (Y/N) tell me please" he said hugging you again. "'s my dad...I-its okay though im u-used to it you don't have to w-w-worry about me." I said. "you're spending the motherfucking night there's no way I'm letting you go back there" he said angrily. "b-but I need clothes" I said. "Fine.but I'm coming with. you're not getting hurt again" he said getting up.
we walked to my house together and went in. "where the fuck have you been?" Your dad said. " She's spending the night at my house" Gamzee said, trying to be calm. "who the fuck are you?" My dad shot back. "I'm gamzee. (Y/N) is spending the night at my house tonight so were just here to get some of her stuff" Gamzee said. "fine. I don't know why you'd want to be with that useless bitch anyway" he said.

~Gamzees pov (YAS bitch YAS)~

" With all due respect sir, she's not motherfucking useless" you said,trying to fight the urge to punch him. "whatever" her dad said,walking off. we went to (Y/N)'s room and she got some clothes. "You're gonna need more than that" I said. "w-what?" She said with a confused look on her face. "do you honestly motherfucking think I'm gonna let you stay in this hellhole? Pack all your shit your not living here" I said trying to sound calm. she smiled. "y-you mean it Gamzee?" she said. "hell yes motherfucker. Honk" You said as you started to help her pack her stuff. "I'm gonna call kurbro to pick us up"you said dialling your brothers number. kurloz came and honked the horn. "that's a lot of stuff for one night" (Y/N)'s dad said. You ignored him and walked out. you put (Y/N)'s stuff in the trunk and sat in the front. She hopped in the back and you drove back to the apartment.

~your pov~

We arrived at Gamzees house and put my stuff in his room. "oh yeah motherfucker your gonna have to sleep in my bed with me unless you wanna sleep on the couch" Gamzee said smiling. "I have to pee so motherfuckin bad be right back" he said walking to the bathroom. you pulled out your laptop and logged onto pesterchum. you wanted to see if your best internet friend, and hacker buddy, was online. he was.

-ChumHandle [CH] began pestering TwinArmageddons [TA]ー

(You): hey sollux!

TA: hey (Y/N) how2 your new 2chool?

(You): it's okay I guess. I go to sburb high now

TA: no.fucking.way

(You): what?

TA: that2 my high2chool!

(You): oh my god! That's awesome wanna meet up tomorrow?

TA: 2uree

TA: 2orry I have two go. 2ee you later (Y/N)

(You): bye sollux!

-TwinArmageddons [TA] has ceased pestering ChumHandle [CH]ー

(A/N: I can't type like sollux so sorry about that)

Gamzee came back from the bathroom as you put away your laptop. "You tired motherfucker?" he asked. "y-yeah" you said,yawning. "I'm gonna go get changed" you said, getting your bag and walking to the bathroom.

~Gamzees pov~

(Y/N) went to go get changed so that's what you did too. you took off your clothes and tossed them into the corner of the room. You only had your boxers on. you crawled into bed and waited for (Y/N). She walked in the room wearing (F/C) pyjama pants and a (F/C) tank top. She crawled into bed with you, and you wrapped an arm around you. "G-gamzee what are you doing?" (Y/N) asked. "I can't sleep without holding on to a motherfucker. honk" you said as you kissed her forehead."Good night Gamzee" she said sleepily. "Good motherfuckin night (Y/N).

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