Chapter 1

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Chaeyoung walks to her mailbox to take the mail. 

"Newspaper, magazine, rent and a letter." Chaeyoung walks back to her house. She opens the envelope to the letter. There was a letter inside. 

"Dear Miss Park, we have decided to invite you to our newest expedition to the newly discovered desert 65. We have yet to choose a name for the desert, we wanted you to join a few other explorers in this very expedition. Please join us tomorrow to tell us your decision." She reads out the letter.

Tomorrow comes by faster than expected. Chaeyoung walks into the headquarters and finds the reception desk.

 Chaeyoung walks into the headquarters and finds the reception desk

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"Oh, are you miss... Park?" The lady politely asked. Chaeyoung gave a gentle nod. "Right this way." The lady grabbed her clipboard and took Chaeyoung to level 6 on the elevator. They enter a room with 3 other people. The lady then leaves. 

Chaeyoung looks around and found a girl that caught her attention. She was very pretty and she couldn't look away from her. A man suddenly walks in the room.

"Let's cut to the chase, do you all accept the invitation to the expedition?" The man grunted.

They all nodded. 

"Follow me." The man took them to another room with lockers and lots of equipment. "In your expedition, we will be monitoring you and if anything goes wrong, you guys will have a flare gun." The man said. "Each of you will have a backpack containing different things you'll need. You can all either split up or stay together."

A few people hands them all a uniform. "You have to wear this uniform in the expedition. It tracks your location so it is easy for us to find you. There are a few other uniforms like this in the backpacks." The man said before sending them off to the changing rooms.

After they were done changing, the man hands them their backpacks and sends them off. After they get off from the bus, they go their separate ways. Chaeyoung examines what was inside her backpack, she found a first aid kit, a flare gun, water, food, clothes and other necessities. She also found a compass and decided to only go one direction so it is easier to find her way back.

Immediately, she decides to make camp. She finds a tree and chops it down with her equipment in her bag. She made a small and cramped shelter and tied it up with a rope. All these years of exploring gives Chaeyoung a lot of good experience.

Then, she tries to find some firewood. The wind catches up to her and it was really strong. It blew her hat away. Eventually, she gets blown away and loses consciousness after hitting a tree.

She wakes up with a loud ringing in her ear. She finds herself in a tent looking up at the pretty girl she saw in the waiting room. Her head hurts and she was filled with dust and dirt. 

"You should rest." The girl handed her some water. Chaeyoung's wound was already bandaged and cleaned.

"H-how do you have a tent?" Chaeyoung looked around.

"Our backpacks all have different things. My backpack has water, a tent, clothes, a first aid kit and a blanket. But it doesn't have food or a flare gun." The girl zipped up the tent.

"What's your name?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Jisoo. What about you?" 

"Chaeyoung.. Park Chaeyoung." 

"Nice to meet you, Chaeyoung." Jisoo smiled.

Her smile was so adorable. She was smitten by the beauty of Jisoo.

"My backpack has a flare gun and some food." Chaeyoung tells her.

"Do you want to start exploring together?" Jisoo asked.

"Yeah." Chaeyoung smiled. 

"Oh and I kept your backpack over there." Jisoo pointed at the corner of the tent with 2 large backpacks.

Chaeyoung's stomach suddenly grumbled. She blushed embarrassingly. "Sorry." She said.

"It's fine, I'm hungry anyways." Jisoo takes out 2 containers with salads. "Don't eat too much or we won't have enough for the rest of the time we're staying here.

Chaeyoung nodded.

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