Chapter 5

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Chaeyoung, Lisa and Jennie arrive back at the tent, they see it all set up and Jisoo inspecting the flare gun.

"Don't work too hard, let me see your foot." Chaeyoung removed the bandage to find the wound looking more serious. She cleans it once again and wraps it with a new bandage. "Does it hurt?" She asked.

"A bit." Jisoo tries not to flinch. 

"C'mon, eat something." Chaeyoung gives her some food and a half empty bottle of water.

"You should eat something too." Jisoo tells her.

"Nah.. not really hungry." Chaeyoung grabs a granola before walking out of the tent to join Lisa and Jennie, they walk together afar from the tent. "How's the fire going?" Chaeyoung asked.

"It's coming together, it just needs to spread." Lisa replied. "How's.. uhhh, Jisoo?"

"I think the bite on her foot is infected, it's not looking too good." Chaeyoung said worriedly.

"You seem worried, is she your girlfriend or something?" Jennie asked, putting more wood into the pile.

"I wish, she's so nice and pretty." Chaeyoung replied.

"The fire's good, do you all want to head back inside and get some rest?" Lisa asked.

"Sounds like a plan." Jennie walks with them back inside the tent and sees Jisoo asleep. Chaeyoung covers Jisoo with a blanket and softly kisses her on her forehead.


Jisoo wakes up to find her foot feeling unbearable pain. The bandage covering Jisoo's foot was already stained in blood. She removes the bandage, the wound has expanded. She cleans it again and wraps it with a new bandage. 

She limps outside to get a breath of fresh air. She was then joined by Lisa.

"Chaeyoung's head over knees for you, y'know." Jisoo turned around to find Lisa standing behind her. "Do you like her back?"

"I don't know. I think so.. but I never liked a girl before.. I don't know what to do." Jisoo looked up at the sky.

"Ask yourself what makes you happy, follow that." Lisa smiled before walking back inside the tent.

Suddenly, Jisoo's foot felt a sting. The pain was almost to much to bear. Chaeyoung walks out of the tent.

"We should get going." She said.

Jisoo gave a weak nod before limping inside the tent to help pack up.

"Is your foot feeling okay?" Chaeyoung asked her as they walk.

"It's fine.. Can I.. can I tell you something?" Jisoo asked.

"Of course, anything." Chaeyoung held Jisoo's hand.

"I.. I like you a lot, more than just a friend.. I know you might not like me back.." Tears flows out of her eyes.

Chaeyoung rubs her tears away and instead kisses her. The kiss calms Jisoo down. 

"I like you more than you like me, trust me." Chaeyoung smiled before pulling her hand as they catch up with Lisa and Jennie.

"Once we get out of here, I'll make sure we'll have the best time of our lives." Chaeyoung plays with Jisoo's cheeks.

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