13. Christmas pt.1

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"My eyes! My virgin eyes!" Sirius shouted from the door dramatically.
"Your eyes are definitely not virgin." Peter snorted.
Kate quickly shoved James off and looked up in a hurry and scrambled off to the door, embarrassed.
"We were wondering when we we're going to finally find you in here." Remus said as they walked in.
"I'm going to leave now, bye guys have a good break. Bye James."
Kate kissed him once more and bent down to the present she hadn't even realised that she had dropped in the heat of the moment.
"So I'll see you tomorrow before we leave?" James said hopefully.
"Yes. But don't open your gifts till Christmas ok."
"Ok fine." James said reluctantly.

Kate hasn't felt that turned on him a long while, not since summer.
Why were they doing that? It was fake. Just teen hormones from kissing often, standing close and acting like a real couple. Well that's what Kate had convinced herself anyway.
James had seemed unbothered by his friends interrupting them.

"Did you guys really have to come in right then?" James groaned.
"I think you might need to have another shower mate." Sirius said chuckling.
"Shut up." He said as he grabbed his clothes and slammed the door to the bathroom.
"Oooo Kate."
"Touch me Kate."

"You we're gone a while." Alice said with a smirk as Kate walked through the door.
"We we're just talking." Kate shrugged and flopped down on her bed.
She could still feel James's lips on hers, the feeling of the pressure not leaving.
"Just talking with your pyjama set all ruffled and your lips all swollen, hair all messed up." Dorcas said swiped her finger along Kate's lips. "So if I went and asked Sirius, Remus and Peter if they saw you two snogging they'd say no?"
"Oh fuck off." Kate rolled her eyes. "You have a train to get tomorrow, go to sleep."
"Goodnight." Marlene said teasingly.
Kate responded by shoving her middle finger up in the air.


day one
Kate knew she was going to miss her friends and their sleep talking, showering when she needed to, always wanting her to cook and bake as she waved them goodbye from the station. She had two weeks of sweet serenity, a dorm to herself and cooking and baking all she wanted.

The castle was eerily quiet, only 6 Hufflepuffs, 8 Ravenclaws and 4 Gryffindors had stayed at the castle in the holidays. Kate being one of them.
There was a week until the day of Christmas finally would come, James's present sitting on her bed table was ever so tempting. Just wanting to rip off the paper and see what was inside of the box.

day two
Kate quite enjoyed her own company, her thoughts keeping her occupied. On todays schedule was reading through the cookbook and deciding something to cook or bake. Treacle tarts, Pumpkin pasties, Cauldron cakes, Strudel, and other cooking recipes.

Kate decided to attempt a batch of pumpkin pasties.
She made the pastry from scratch, and deciding to make some savoury and sweet ones. Adding cinnamon and honey to the sweeter ones, and garlic and paprika to the savoury ones. Wrapping the filling inside of the pastry and folded it into the iconic pastie shape and placed them into the oven.

In Kates opinion, they weren't the best pumpkin pasties she'd ever had and needed some adjusting.

day four
The cauldron baking dish had come into excellent use. Kate had made an exemplary lava chocolate cake that even surprised her. The middle just the right amount of runny and the cake not dry.

Pride and prejudice was one of Kate's favourite books, Mr Darcy being one of the most romantic men in literature. Kate loaned it out of the library and spent the next couple days consuming the romantic words of Jane Austen.

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