15. Reunion and revenge

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Kate felt as if her stomach was in her throat as she saw the Hogwarts express pull up at the station, knowing she was going to have to speak to James at some point. She had missed the girls and their antics, as after two weeks sleeping alone in the dorm had gotten pretty lonely. She usually fell asleep to the lulling of their breathing which would calm her to sleep. Seeing them walk up the hill to the carriages from in the warmth of the Gryffindor tower. She ran up to their dorm and waited patiently for them to come up.

Finally, she heard their footsteps walking towards the door and she started fidgeting in excitement.
"Honey, we're home!" Marlene shouted dramatically  and flinged open the door.
"Ahhh, you're back." Kate jumped up and hugged all of them squealing. "So what did you guys get up to over your break?" She asked as they all at on their beds.
"Me and my family went to a few of those little markets that sell everything and I got some little plants to put in the window and we had our aunts and cousins around on the day, it was nice." Dorcas said.
"Me and my family went to some fancy Dinner for their jobs, I had to wear a ball gown. But apart from that it was all good and my parents have said that we  can all go to my beach house in the summer." Alice said excitedly, "So get ready for a girls holiday!"
"Like actually, the fancy one that had the deck that goes right to the sea?" Marlene asked.
"Yea, and we get to stay for a whole week!" She confirmed.
"We went to my grandparents house and stayed there, it was alright, a bit boring but my nan is a great cook so I got to eat all the time." Marlene said. "And they got me one of those muggle record players so that was great." She said. "What about you Kate? How was it without us." She flipped her hair over her shoulder.
"It was boring as fuck. Like yea, I got some cooking done and it was very tasty. But there was no one about. I just walked around all day and read in the common room. I missed you lot." Kate said.
"What did James get you for Christmas!" Dorcas said, not being able to contain her questioning any longer.

Kate got up to the dresser and pulled out the necklace and earrings.
"They're so pretty and definitely were a fortune." She laid them out on her hands and showed them.
"They're beautiful." Alice muttered.
"He's fucking loaded." Marlene said with her mouth open.
"I know, I don't even want to wear it." Kate said putting it back in her drawer away from damage.
"What about you Lils?" Kate looked over with a smile.
"I saw some of my muggle friends, and my parents bought me some nice things." Her tone was somber and didn't sound like the chipper Lily they knew.
"Are you alright?" Kate asked her with a furrowed brow.
"Amos didn't write me the entire break, nor did he get me a gift, or find me on the train or speak to me after the train." She looked down at her feet.
"Huh?" Dorcas looked appalled.
"You're like actually joking." Marlene looked fuming.
Alice got up and sat next to Lily on her bed and put an arm around her comfortingly.
"Twat." Kate simply stated.

She wasn't at all surprised, he was a well known asshole. She felt bad for Lily, she didn't deserve this treatment, from an a grade fuck wit.
"Lily." Kate started. "Is he making you happy? Like truly. Does he make your heart pick up?" She finished.
"I don't know."
"Maybe think about it before you make a long time commitment with him. Stop yourself from regretting things." Kate said, talking from her experience with the same twat that was currently playing with her friends heart.


Everyone had fallen asleep, their breathing had slowed, most likely tired from their journey from London to Scotland.
Kate had found herself stood at James's door and knocking lightly to not disturb the others on the floor.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Sirius asked as he let Kate through.
"I need you guys to do your thing, with your pranks."
All four boys interest peaked at her words.
"What would you want us to do, free of charge." Remus said as Kate made her way to sit on James bed.
"You guys usually charge?" Kate asked confused.
"No, no we don't." James answered quickly. "You didn't write me back." He mentioned.
"I know, I got really busy with cooking and- stuff. Sorry." Kate apologised.
"So why do you require our services." James asked.
"Amos upset Lily, he ignored her the entire break, and I think he deserves some revenge." Kate explained.
"Ah, we can do that for you Kate. As soon as possible." Sirius answered.
"Thank you, Ill see you tomorrow."

Kate turned to James and nodded at James towards the door. He got the hint and followed Kate to the door, closing it behind him.
"We need to talk. Soon." Kate whispered urgently.
"Why? About what?" His eyes flashed with confusion. "Kate-"
"Tomorrow?" She interrupted. "Find me when I'm alone like you always do." She began to descend down the stairs but turned around.
"T-Thank you for the jewellery, it's stunning."
She gave him a kind smile and was gone before he could thank her too.

"Well boys." James said happily as he came back in.
"At least we don't have to pick who we prank next."
The four boys instantly got to planning what Kate wanted to be revenge for her friend. James's motive however didn't have anything to do with Kate...
How dare Amos treat her in such a way, why did she have to be so into him. He was an ass.

Kate quietly opened the door and snuck back into bed with as little noise as possible.
"Where did you go?" Kate gasped quietly but realised it was just Alice.
"I went to see James." Kate whispered back to her. "To thank him for my present."


Kate knew she had to jump straight to the point or she'd never end up telling him. And would make up some bullshit story about whatever.
She heard the portrait door swing open, hinges creaking loudly.
"We need to end this as soon as possible." Kate shoved out of her mouth.
"Pardon, Miss Kate?"
"Oh dizzy. I thought you were someone else. Hello."
"The boy with the glasses. He's pacing outside." She said and popped away.
Kate got up from the chair and made her way over to the portrait hole and stuck her head out, she asked. "Are you coming in?"
"Yea, yea." He rolled his eyes after being caught.

The nerves were jumping around her body as she sat and waited for him to finally come into the kitchen.
"Hey." Kate greeted as he sat down.
"We need to end this soon. Amos and Lily are really rocky and we need to break up before they do." Kate explained before he could even get a word out.
He sat in silence for a couple seconds.
"Are you sure?" He asked and blinked slowly.
"Yea, I'm sure I can convince her to break up with him and I'm sure he's probably already talking to someone else. As he hasn't talked to her." Kate pursed her lips.
"How can you be so sure?" James didn't look convinced.
"He did that to me." She said simply.

James looked down at the table.
"Sorry." He bit his lip. "So how long do you think we have left?" He finished.
"Maybe a week, two." Kate explained and added a sad smile.
"How are we going to break up? Whose going to break up with who." He asked in quick succession.
"I'll break up with you, but we both thought it was the right time?" Kate suggested.
James looked like he was questioning what she had said. "I mean, that sounds good." He said.
"I think if it's said that I break up with you, it will empower Lily to get rid of the prick." Kate explained.
"Ahhh." He said in realisation.
"And then you get the love of your life to date you and me and my friends get happy Lily back." She felt her heart crack in her chest at her own words.
"You're so right." He said obliviously.

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