30. The beach holiday pt.1

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"You know what I've just realised mate." Sirius said while haphazardly shoving his clothes into his case.
"What?" James said, preparing himself for whatever bullshit was about to come out of Sirius's mouth.
"We're going to a beach." Sirius smirked.
"Kate's going to ditch the bows in the hair and the put together blouses and will be in a bikiniiii." He teased and pushed James's shoulder.
"Shut up." James gritted his teeth and piled in more things in his case.
Sirius started to laugh at James's flushed face and left while saying "hurry up, we've got to be their in a couple minutes."

"Jamie, Siri, you have a good time ok." Euphemia, James's mother said as the two prepared to leave. "You can come home whenever you like."
"We know Mum." James said and gave her a quick hug.
"Are you sure you don't want to take some food?" Euphemia worried, rubbing her hands together.
"We're sure, we have people bringing food." Sirius confirmed and also gave Euphemia a hug before making his way out the door with his bags.
"James." His dads voice rang out just as he put his hand on the doorknob. "Come here, you forgot something."

"So, you're getting older." His dad started and James scrunched his eyebrows at his dad.
"And you're going away to a beach for the week."
"So?" James said confused.
"And I want you to be safe."
His dad then handed him a box of condoms.
"Why do I need these?" James asked even more puzzled than before.
"Well, you have a crush on that Kate and a beach is a very romantic place." His dad explained.
"Just ask your mother."
"Ew.Ew.Ew. I'm leaving." James said quickly and pretty much slammed the front door but not before saying. "I love you, see you next week."

"What did your dad want?" Sirius asked, waiting leant against the wall.
"He gave me these." James said while holding the box up.
"Great minds think alike." Sirius smirked, gave a wink and urged James along. "We'll be late, cmon."
The two then grabbed their bags and apparated to Alice's beach house.


Kate arrived at the house early with bags full of food to fill up the cupboards and familiarise herself with the kitchen and explore the house.
The house was made of wood, the back doors led straight out to the beach. All of the bedrooms were huge, double beds, walk in wardrobes and en suits.
Kate was absolutely breathless by the kitchen. The stove was gas top and had 4 burners.

Kate had brought everything for the food she wanted to make over the week and the favourite snacks of all of her friends. Just after she had put all of her things away into the cupboards Alice and Frank arrived with a pop.
"Hey Kate." Alice said and pulled her in for a hug.
"I went ahead and put my cooking things away. Is that ok?" Kate asked.
"Of course, you're going to be the only one using it anyway." Alice giggled.

Marlene, Alice and Dorcas then arrived and came into the kitchen where the group were conversing.
"Hey guys! The party had arrived." Marlene announced as she walked in holding multiple bottles of alcohol.
"How have you guys been?" Kate asked while greeting everyone with a hug.
"We've been good. Marlene is a nightmare to live with though." Dorcas rolled her eyes and smiled at her girlfriend. After leaving Hogwarts the two had become official and moved into a flat together.
"We know Dor. We shared a room with her for seven years." Lily joked.
"Is it the snoring or the mess getting on your tits?" Kate asked Dorcas.
"What's getting on Dorcas's tits?" Remus asked as he and Peter appeared in the room.
"Just my mouth actually." Marlene smirked and Dorcas turned bright red.

"You'll never guess who we're waiting for." Lily rolled her eyes.
"Like that's a surprise." Kate answered.
But as if on cue, the two they were waiting for fell into the kitchen, their bags piled on top of them.
"How the fuck did you manage that?" Remus said standing over the two.
"Sirius is shit at apparating." James breathed out and grabbed onto Remus's outstretched hand and was hoisted up to his feet.
"Hey guys." James said and picked up his bag.
"You pick up your bag, but not me?" Sirius huffed and got himself off the floor, glaring at James as the group chuckled at his misfortune.

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