Chapter 2- A Reunion

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Upon seeing Shinjiro I immediately ran up to him and gave him a hug. Well, it's more like I DOVE IN for a hug.

"W-Woah" He stutters before awkwardly hugging me back.

Sensing his slight discomfort, I let go and take a few steps back to give him some space.

"Ahaha, sorry, I couldn't resist" I laugh.

Huh, I just realized that he too had an outfit change.

He was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, a black coat over a brown shirt, and of course a beanie to top it off.

"It's fine" He mutters while slightly blushing.

"So, anyways!" I start with a smile, "How've you been? It's been quite some time since we've saw each other"

Honestly, it's been like what, five months since we last saw each other? Well, on earth at least, somehow in this place we've awakened one day apart from each other. Seriously, how does time work here?

He shrugs before saying, "I've been alright, I guess- Wait" He stops.

"Is something wrong?" I ask him.

"If you're here then that means..."

There was a look of concern on Shinjiro's face, and that's when I understood what he was trying to say.

"Tch, the hell did you get yourself into?"

Though of course, he masks it with his whole tough guy act.

"It's kinda complicated, for you to better understand I think I'll have to tell you everything that happened in SEES after you uh... died" I answer.

"Alright, any area around here where we can talk?" He asks while looking around the area.

"Actually, before I ran into you I was planning on getting frozen yogurt, maybe we can talk at one of the benches near there?"

"Frozen yogurt, huh? I see that you still have a sweet tooth" He smiles.

"Of course! Anything sweet is the absolute greatest" I beam.

"It's good to see that you still haven't changed even now, keep it that way"

"Yeah, same goes to you"

After that entire conversation we had, we were now sitting on one of the benches near the frozen yogurt place. The flavor I got was... I don't even know, all of the flavor names there were extremely complicated except for a few.

Once we had gotten settled I told Shinjiro everything that happened in SEES after he'd died.

The aftermath of his death, Ikutsuki's betrayal and how he pretty much manipulated all of us, The Fall, Nyx and Ryoji, and lastly, my own death.

"And um, yeah, I guess that leads us up to now"  I finish with a shrug.

"Wow... Seems you guys have been through a lot" Shinjiro said, with a troubled expression on his face

"Heh, yeah, you could say that. But hey! We managed in the end" Kind of

We were silent for quite some time and I could see that Shinjiro still had that troubled expression.

"Is everything ok?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's just... Nah, forget it, it's stupid" Shinjiro says, looking off to the side.

"I'm sure that's not the case, you could tell me anyways if you'd like" I tell him.

"Alright" He sighs. "I just... regret not spending enough time with you all. I mean I guess I can spend time with you here but with the others, I can't"

Oh... that's what that was about...

I think he noticed my silence after he said that because what he said next was;

"It's alright, you don't need to say anything, I just wanted to put that out there"

Ahhh but now I feel bad for not knowing what to say.

After that we sort of changed the topic, he asked me about the other SEES members and how they were doing. Mostly about Ken, Akihiko-Senpai and Mitsuru-Senpai. Oh yeah, Koromaru too.

"Minako, Shinjiro, Just the people I wanted to see!" Then we hear Micheal all of a sudden who was approaching the two of us.

"What?" Shinjiro asks.

"You guys know how I talked about soulmates and how everyone here has one? Well, you are each other's soulmates!" Micheal excitedly says.

Shinjiro and I both look at each other in shock upon hearing that, then we look back at Micheal.

"Uh, wait, we're just-" I tried saying before Micheal interrupted.

"Ah ah ah, I know what you're about to say, 'we're just friends!' that's what they all say, you know, who doesn't love a good friends to lovers trope" He says, meanwhile we're still in shock.

"Well, I'll see you both around, bye!" Then he walks away.

"What the actual fork is he on?" Shinjiro grumbled.

"I dunno" I shrug. "Also did you just censor your swearing?" I ask while turning to him.

"I'm not doing it because I want to, they don't like swearing here so if you try to swear it just censors it, it's bullshirt, honestly"

"Fork, shirt, ash, bench" I mutter to myself, wanting to try it out for myself.

"Havin' fun there?" He asks with a chuckle.

"Ha, yep" I laugh with him.

We talked for a little while more after that, this time it was about us and what we've been up to here, despite the fact that it's only been like three days and two for me since we got here. We finished up the conversation and made a promise to each other that we'd stick together here, then we each went our separate ways.

(A/N) Hello and thank you for reading chapter 2 of this book. I'm really sorry that I just left for like 4 weeks, my motivation was pretty low at the time, but everything's ok now. Another thing I'd like to say is starting from the next chapter the story will start getting good. Anyways, that's all I need to say for now. I'll see you all in the next chapter. Bye.


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