Chapter 20- All Of Us Are Dumb

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So, "the gang" was back together again. Michael told us he needed to tell all of us something in his office, so that's where we all were right now, just waiting outside and standing near the couch, some of us sitting.

"At some point, we should finish discussing yesterday's events." Tahani whispered to Jason.

"Do you mean us almost getting married and then finding out I was married to Janet and then Janet making a boyfriend to forget me and then Janet getting rid of that boyfriend? Or do you mean when we saw that cool cloud?" Jason asks.

"The first bit. Perhaps later when Michael briefs us on how we're gonna be fake tortured today, we can just sit down and have a chat?" Tahani suggests.

"Yes. Good idea." Jason nods. "Yo, Chidi, Shinjiro."

"Yeah?" Chidi asks.


"You guys wanna hear about a cool cloud I saw?" Jason asks.

We then hear the door open and we see a man with light brown hair and a suit come out.

"Come in."  

- - - - - -

We were now in Michael's office, the six of us each sitting on a chair.

"I'd like to start by saying something I've wanted to say for a very long time." Michael starts. "Surprise, idiots! You're all in the Bad Place!" Michael and the guy laugh.

Of course, because we already knew this, we just pretended to act surprised. 

"That's right, nerds! Everything around you, all you can see, is an elaborate system of torture designed just for you."

"Sorry... we're in the Bad Place?" Eleanor asks.

"Why are you revealing this now?" Tahani asks.

"Well, it was an experiment, and it worked, so my boss is promoting me. Sorry, I should've introduced to you. This is my boss, Shawn."

"Hello, imbeciles." Shawn greets. "We need to study everything that happened here. There was a first version that collapsed, but the second has been a huge success. We'll be shutting this place down. The six of you will be brough to the real Bad Place, where your brains will be removed, studied, and batted around a stadium like beach balls. Your arms will be peeled like bananas"

"That part's just for fun." Michael adds.

"Right. And then you will be, you know, tortured forever."

"Michael, is this all true?" Eleanor asks.

"Yes, Eleanor, it is. You're such a rube, thinking you could become a better person. You get Chidi to teach you stupid philosophy... like those old farts were gonna provide guidance. 'Oh, Kierkegaard is so great. Have you ever read 'Fear and Trembling'? Well, I don't know, have you read 'Boring and Stupid'? Because that's what you are." 

"Nice." Shawn says.

"Thank you."

"How long will it take you to shut down the Neighborhood?" Shawn asks.

"Better part of a day, I'd guess. In the meantime, why don't we have a farewell party here tonight? You know, just to thank the crew for all the hard work. We could jam to some tunes, you know, destroy the place, play beer pong with Jason's testicles. What do you say, boss?"

Jason was understandably freaked out when he heard that, so Tahani tried comforting him by holding his hand. 

"Sure. By the way, I know what you're thinking. 'Maybe Janet can help.'."

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