Chapter 24- Back To Where It Began

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(A/N) A few notes before we start this chapter. One, I am not a medical professional, all the medical tools n stuff I mention in this chapter, I used google to see what they were used for so it can be somewhat accurate. Two, content warning for hospitals. Three, be prepared for quite a few timeskips. Four, for the sake of plot convenience, there may be slight changes made to both the story of Persona 3 and The Good Place. For Persona 3, Akihiko and Mitsuru are the only ones who move out the dorm after March 31. For The Good Place, there won't be the whole 1 year time skip thing there was before Eleanor met Chidi. Basically, I'll be shortening the amount of time for the events for The Good Place. With all that being said, enjoy the chapter!

"So, Michael, you're saying there's a new angle I should consider in this case?" The Judge asks as she was sitting back down on her desk, and the eight of us were walking up to her desk. "Love that. Major drama. Spill the tea, sweetheart." She chuckles

"The premise of our system is that a person's score during their time on Earth is final and inarguable, but because of my accidental experiment, these six humans got better after they died. That's not supposed to be possible. Over and over again, I watched as they became thoughtful and-and generous and caring. And-And think about where they started." Michael explains. "Uh, Jason, growing up in Jacksonville, what did you do for fun after school everyday."

"Oh god." I sigh, knowing Jason was about to say something absolutely crazy.

"Me and my friends whipped empty spray paint cans at flamingos." He answers.

"And now he's so much better." Michael adds, looking back at the Judge.

"I was already pretty good. When I was six, I hit one right on the butt." Jason said with a smile on his face.

"Ok, let the immortal beings talk, darling." Tahani whispered to Jason while patting him on the shoulder.

"How the hell did you manage to find flamingos?" Shinjiro asks Jason.

"Oh, you can find quite a bit there." He answered, he then gasped with his eyes wide. "If we ever get the chance, maybe I can take you to Jacksonville and we can do it together!"

"I'd... rather not, thanks."

"So, they got better in your little pretend world. That does prove anything about what they were like on Earth." The Judge retorts.

"No, see, I think it does prove something." Michael argues back. "If I'm right, the system by which we judge humans, the very method we use to deem them good or bad is so fundamentally flawed and unreasonable that hundreds of millions of people have been wrongly condemned to an eternity of torture."

The Judge looks back at him with wide eyes, then slams her hand on the desk. "Damn! That was intense! Look at my arm, y'all. Look, I got goosebumps." She pulled up her sleeve a little to show us.

"Huh, yeah." Michael says.

"Doesn't happen very often." She nods.


While Michael and the Judge were off somewhere doing something, the rest of us were just hanging out together in our separate groups. I being with Shinjiro as per usual.

We were mostly just talking about everything that just went down the past few minutes, and also what we think the Bad Place will be like in terms of being tortured and stuff like that. So yeah, fun discussion.

Not to mention the fact that Janet and Jason kissed in front of everyone after Janet told Jason she loves him while he was talking with Chidi, then Eleanor and Chidi kissed.

I wasn't really sure how Shinjiro feels about kissing in front of people, because he gives me the vibes of someone who doesn't really enjoy PDA, so I did the next best thing and I just hugged him.

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