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Hello my peeps! This is my new story, I have seen people make fanfictions about Fifty Shades Of Grey that include Gray and Juvia so I was like "Hmm why not? Everyone uses Gray for the obvious reasons and I want to try something different. So please enjoy! Also I made/own the cover!

(Normal P.O.V)
A growl was heard in the bathroom of an apartment that belonged to two girls. In the bathroom was a blonde haired girl with brown eyes glaring at herself in the mirror. "Damn it Levy..." she mutters.

"Out of all days, you choose today to be sick!" She looks at herself. "I'm a mess for gods sake! I haven't had enough sleep, I need to study for exams, and worst of all..."

She points to her reflection. "I look like a flipping pig!" Sigh. How did I get into this mess?!

(Lucy P.O.V)
I was currently cursing under my breath. Why? One word.....Levy. She has arranged an interview for some famous rich snob I've never heard of.

Levy was currently in the living room on the couch watching Tv. I walked in and put my best smile. "Oh Lu-chan! I'm so sorry that you have to go because of my flu. It took me 10 months and it will take 8 more to reschedule, we will graduate by then! Please can you do this for me?"

I sighed "Of course Levy. Anything for a friend!" I said in a fake cheery voice which she totally bought since she is sick. "Do you need anything?" She just looked at me with red eyes and nose.

"Some water and Tylenol please." I nodded. I came back with her requests. "I made you some Abc soup if you want any." She smiled

"Thanks Lu! I love your soup!" I gave her a bowl and went to go get dressed. Then when I was done I went towards her so she can explain everything to me.

"Alrighty, here are your questions, notepad, pen, and mini-disk recorder." I just sighed again. "I don't know him-no...I didn't even know he existed!" She just looked at me.

"Don't worry Lu-chan. You'll do great!" She encouraged. I smiled softly "I should go now. You don't want me late, right?" She nodded excitedly.

"Yah! Thanks Lu, your a lifesaver." I smiled while walking out the door "Anything for you and only you Levy-chan!" I murmured. She like a sister to me.

(Normal P.O.V)
After Lucy left the apartment, she headed for Levy's red sporty Mercedes. It took about an hour to get there so she turned on the radio. Just in time, she caught a sound of her favorite song playing. Earned It by The Weekend.

She started to sing along to it because it was her favorite song. Basically everyone's favorite song right now. After a few minutes she made it.

She looked up at the tall building. "Wow..." she murmured then headed inside the building. There behind the beautiful marble desk was a white haired woman with blue eyes.

She turned to Lucy. "Yes? How may I help you sweetie?" Lucy blushed slightly "Uh...I'm here for an i-interview with uh...Mr. Drageel" She squealed "So kawaii!" Lucy played with her fingers. "Yes of course also it's Dragneel sweetheart." Lucy nodded.

(Lucy P.O.V)
I just made a fool of myself! I even pronounced his name wrong! Grrr! I hope I don't mess this up.

"Mr. Dragneel will see you now." I looked up. Well here goes nothing. I stood up and went to the elevator.

Please let me know if it's good or not! Anyways I don't have much to say sooo bye-bye!

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