Nice Hug

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They were still talking while oreo cheesecake was rambling about something "Ok ok guys I need advice" oreo cheesecake said slapping his knees with his hands "What do you need help with?" Ube macaroon asked crossing her arms "Ok should i dye my hair?" Oreo cheesecake asked everybody thought about it "I like your white hair" pure vanilla said

"Ok I know it's nice but I kind of want to dye it but then again what if it looks ugly what if people make fun of me what if my wife makes fun of me what if...." "Stop panicking bitch!" Ube macaroon interrupt him slapping him across the face everyone went silent "Your hair is fine stop panicking..." ube macaroon mumbled annoyed oreo cheesecake looked at her He then jumped on her they began to fight rolling around the floor

"Umm should we stop them fighting?" Pure vanilla said strawberry pie raised his hand "No no let them fight they'll get tired" strawberry pie said refilling his glass "So wafer how long will you keep this weather?" Strawberry milkshake asked wafer sighted "All night then I'll turn it back" wafer vanilla said after awhile oreo cheesecake and ube macaroon calmed down they sta back down "Ok no more fighting I can't believe you guys just fought over something so silly" strawberry pie said frowning crossing his arms pure vanilla was giggling but it stopped he felt some pain in his back he was sweating it was hard for him to move he was shaking

Strawberry milkshake noticed "Hey pure vanilla is something wrong you like your about to pass out" strawberry milkshake said wafer looked at pure vanilla "I don't know I feel a bad pain in my back and a bit dizzy" pure vanilla said scratching his back Strawberry milkshake put a finger on her chin "Mind if I have a look I'm a doctor so I see if you have any problems" strawberry milkshake said pure vanilla nodded as she pulled the robe back a bit down "Hmm I only see a binder nothing else Hmm hey how long have you kept it on?" Strawberry milkshake asked letting go of the robe "Umm I had it on for two weeks" pure vanilla said everybody froze they looked at each other strawberry milkshake picked up pure vanilla and took him to the bathroom shutting the door

Everybody was in shock "How could someone keep it on for thathe long?!" Oreo cheesecake shouted everybody stopped when they heard a yell of pain strawberry milkshake walked out of the bathroom carrying pure vanilla who was tearing up "Ok so pure vanilla can't move because he kept it on for too long I'm going to give him a back massage that should help him move again" strawberry milkshake said gently placing pure vanilla down laying his head on a pillow staring the massage "Wafer please keep an eye on your brother and check how long he's keeping the binder on" strawberry milkshake said wafer nodded

As they continued to talk drinking "So is the bakery out of business" wafer vanilla joked strawberry pie chuckled "No its still running and doing better then when my parents were running it" strawberry pie said tapping his fingers strawberry milkshake stood up " Ok now I'm done you should be able to move now also don't wear the binder your back needs time to recover" strawberry milkshake said pure vanilla sat back up "Ok thank you strawberry milkshake" pure vanilla said

strawberry milkshake smiled "No problem" strawberry milkshake said as she pulled out her phone and looked at the time "Huh it's two a clock" strawberry milkshake said everybody looked at the time "Huh Ok guys it's time for us to go" strawberry pie said standing up he clapped his hands

Everybody picked up the glasses and bottles cleaning everything up "Ok now we're done cleaning it's time to go now" strawberry pie said as everybody was saying there goodbyes strawberry milkshake opened up the portal the group looked at wafer thinking he was going to say it wafer vanilla sighted he opened his arms wide "Ok group hug" the group smiled as they ran to wafer hugging all together "Ok this is nice" ube macaroon said strawberry pie chuckled "We haven't done this in a long time" strawberry pie said everybody let go going through the portal as it closed

"It was nice seeing them in a long time did you like them nilla?" Wafer vanilla asked but he got no response "Nilla?" Wafer vanilla turned over to see pure vanilla shaking pure vanilla only saw the room around him getting dark he heard laughs and giggles he coverd his ears with his hands closing his eyes trying to cover the loud noises he then felt a hand on his shoulder he heard wafer saying his name he opened his eyes to see wafer and the darkness gone

"Are you ok?" Wafer vanilla asked pulling his hand away "Yeah yeah" pure vanilla mumbled tapping his fingers wafer sighted "Nilla what's wrong tell me" wafer vanilla said pure vanilla looked away "Nothing brother" pure vanilla said rubbing his arm with his hand wafer got an idea "How about you go take a shower and go to the library" wafer vanilla said pure vanilla tilted his head "Huh why?" Pure vanilla asked

"Just do it" wafer vanilla said pure vanilla was confused but left wafer's room to go take a shower wafer vanilla smirked "Ok operation kidnapping is a go" he said opening a portal going through it

Pure vanilla was drying his hair with a towel as he walked to the library he walked in closing the door hearing the fire crackle suddenly a portal opened as dark cacao was pushed onto the couch wafer peek his head through the portal "Your welcome" wafer vanilla said closing it pure vanilla ran to dark cacao "Are you ok?" Pure vanilla asked dark cacao got up "Yeah your brother kidnapped me and then threw me in the library" dark cacao said rubbing his head

"Oh ok" pure vanilla said they just stared at each other "Soo since your here can we cuddle?" Pure vanilla mumbled dark cacao smiled he took off his armor he layed down pure vanilla put the hood of his fluffy white sweater over head head as some of his messy hair got on his face as he layed down on dark cacao's chest dark cacao put one hand on pure vanilla's head and his other hand on pure vanilla's back they just relaxed hearing the fire crackle

"I really missed you a lot dear" dark cacao said pure vanilla giggled "I missed you too a lot and I mean a lot" pure vanilla said demon cacao looked down at pure vanilla "I had a pretty bad month I was in pain....and so much more" pure vanilla said demon cacao got worried pure vanilla got up began to tear up dark cacao got up he looked at pure vanilla he then noticed something faint red on his neck he moved his hand to see what it is pure vanilla moved far away from dark cacao "Please don't strangle me!" Pure vanilla said Dark cacao was shocked and confused "Dear why would I strangle..." dark cacao then realized

"What happened...tell me" Dark cacao said gently placing a hand on pure vanilla's shoulder pure vanilla began to cry more dark cacao hugged pure vanilla "Too much pain I hate it" pure vanilla mumbled burying his face in dark cacao's chest dark cacao hugged pure vanilla tighter "It's ok I'm here now dear" dark cacao said after a few minutes pure vanilla calmed down

"Are you ok now?" Dark cacao asked pure vanilla nodded laying his head on dark cacao's chest "Do you mind telling me what happened nilla?" dark cacao asked pure vanilla looked at dark cacao and sighted as he began to tell him what happened over the month

Dark cacao was shocked "That's been happening to you!" Dark cacao said pure vanilla nodded as dark cacao hugged him "I think I'll only get worse" pure vanilla said Dark cacao ran his fingers through pure vanilla's hair "If I see them I'll give them no mercy" dark cacao said he laid down placing pure vanilla's on his chest rubbing his head "Thank you for comforting me" pure vanilla said Dark cacao smiled "Your welcome do you need anything?" Dark cacao asked pure vanilla looked up "Just you" pure vanilla said Dark cacao went red as he coverd his own mouth

"Your so adorable" he kissed pure vanilla's forehead as pure vanilla chuckled "It's nice being close to you" pure vanilla said Dark cacao nodded "It's nice seeing your pretty face dear" dark cacao said he got no response he looked down to see pure vanilla asleep dark cacao grabbed the blanket that was laying on the couch he put it over them falling asleep with his lover

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