The record tapes

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..........Hmm is this thing working?
Oh yes it's working um hello
I am vanilla yogurt a future king
My father is getting to old to run the kingdom and so he needs someone to run the kingdom and it turns out it's going to be me

I'm rather surprised he chose me instead of one of my other brothers but oh well anyways he gave me this tape recorder he told me when he become a king he used this when he wanted to talk about important things not to others he told I'll need this when I become the king

I'll keep this I'm not sure if I'll actually need this but I'll keep it just in case I wonder what the future is going to hold but we'll just have to see....this isn't actually bad at all I like this tape recorder but I'll end it here....

Huh? It's been awhile since I used this but anyways my father has passed away and now I am the king but what's the one thing every king needs a queen they're choosing me a queen to help me rule the kingdom I'm not so sure about this

I told them I could find myself a queen but they instead that they'll find me a sweet and kind one I am not excited for this or to meet the woman they said I'll like my wife so I'll give it a chance pray this goes well......

.....I hate today what happened? Well today I met the woman I soon supposed to be married to her name is magnolia she was rather kind and polite she was really excited to be married to someone apparently she had this dream where she was in a flower field and saw the love of her life in there with her She said her dream came came true but to be honest she's not my type

She's really annoying always chatting and talking not to mention she's really boring but I'm soon going to have to marry her just my luck.....

Hmm is this thing working? Oh! I think I got it hmm what should I say? Hello tape recorder my name is magnolia and well actually I'm not sure what to do I saw vanilla yogurt using this it looked interesting so I decided to give it a try and it's very interesting

I'm quite excited to marry him my family told me no man will ever love me well I guess they're wrong cause I did find someone I hope I can please him I want our relationship to go well I should probably end this thank you for listening Mr tape recorder

Oh my god! Sorry Sorry I'm just so excited! Today is the day in getting married! God this feels like a dream I'm in wedding dress everybody's here and now I just have to walk down that aisle and meet my husband

This has to be the best day of my life! I'll do my best to make our marriage work and do my very best to please him and.....oh dear! I need to go now wish me luck!

This has to be the worst day of my life this is the first day of our honeymoon magnolia is asleep right now after we finished having you know.....but now I'm stuck with this annoying woman no wonder why her family hates her god why did they arrange me with her

But now there's nothing I could do I know I could divorce her but they arrange me with someone worser I guess I'll stay with her I'll let her think I love but I'll just let her think that

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