Having Fun

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Golden cheese was still mad at wafer vanilla for what he did while hollyberry was patting her back "Calm down now love he was just stopping the fight" hollyberry said golden cheese looked at her "I will never forgive that guy pure vanilla your brother has no respect!" Golden cheese said pure vanilla sighted "I'm sorry for what he did" pure vanilla said rubbing his thumbs "Hey pure vanilla since we have meet your brother can we hang out with him to get to know him better" hollyberry said pure vanilla nodded as he left the dining area and headed to his brother's room

Pure vanilla soon came back with his brother and mint choco "Hey again" wafer vanilla said a bit tired "You!" Golden cheese stood up and pointed a finger at him as she ran to him trying to punch but wafer just dodged her punches while crossing his arms mint choco was confused "Who trained you your punches are weak" wafer vanilla said which made her made hollyberry scooped her up in her arms taking her away from wafer

They all sat down on the table "Ok I'm here now you guys wanted to hang out with me" wafer vanilla said White lily nodded "I guess I could" wafer vanilla mumbled scratching his head "Very well then so what do you guys want to do?" White lily said

"Let's do some truth or dare I want to give you something terrible wafer vanilla!" Golden cheese yelled standing up and slamming her hand on the table while pointing her finger at wafer wafer rolled his eyes "Ok mint choco truth or dare" pure vanilla said mint choco smiled

"Truth" mint choco said "Is it true that you steal my brothers stuff" pure vanilla said wafer looked at mint choco "Yea..." mint choco said wafer sighted "Sorry love you have nice things" mint choco said putting a hand on wafer's shoulder "Ok so hollyberry truth or dare" mint choco said hollyberry chuckled "Dare and give me a good one!" Hollyberry said mint choco was thinking

"Do a hand wrestling match with dark cacao" mint choco said hollyberry looked at dark cacao they grabbed each other's hand and began the wrestling match "Ok now then wafer vanilla truth or dare" hollyberry said wafer though about it "Dare why not" wafer vanilla said tapping his finger on the table

"I dare you to have some fun with mint choco" hollyberry smirked as mint choco turned red wafer looked at mint choco "Ok let's do it" mint choco mumbled wafer picked him up and carried him out of the dining area dark cacao was soon able to win against hollyberry letting go of her hand "Damit!" Hollyberry yelled dark cacao chuckled

"So now we're going to have to countinue without those two" White lily said everyone went back into the game giving each other dares and truths pure vanilla was standing on one foot trying to keep his balance everybody was cheering for pure vanilla the time on golden cheese phone went off as pure vanilla was now allowed to put his other foot down "Very good pure vanilla also where the heck are those two they still not done" golden cheese said putting her phone down

Pure vanilla sat back down next to dark cacao as the others were still waiting for wafer vanilla and mint choco to return as they waited the door opened wafer vanilla was carrying mint choco whose hair was messy and he was red while wafer looked tired w after placed mint choco in a chair sitting down having trouble keeping his head up

"Umm are you two ok?" Hollyberry asked mint choco looked around the room "Yeah we're fine wafer ended up exhausting himself" mint choco said wafer leaned his head against mint choco's shoulder "Heh your tired aren't you?" Mint choco said wafer only nodded mint choco rubbed wafer's head "Take a nap ok" mint choco said wafer closed his eyes relaxing and falling asleep

Mint choco chuckled while rubbing wafer's head "I think wafer is done playing" mint choco said golden cheese quickly stood up and ran over to them she got behind wafer and tried to punch him before she could react wafer slapped her sending her flying across the room hitting the wall

Everyone was shock they looked at wafer who was indeed asleep "Did he slapped in his sleep?!" Golden cheese yelled standing up "Dear can you just stay away from wafer I don't want you to keep getting hurt" hollyberry said as golden cheese sat on her lap "I'm going to pretend I never saw that" dark cacao said a bit scared

"Why is my brother that strong" pure vanilla mumbled putting his hand on his forehead "We should stop playing before something bad happens" hollyberry said mint choco nodded "Plus wafer is tired and I don't want anything to ruin his sleep" mint choco said he hugged wafer close to him

"Ok so we came because we have a meeting in an hour and it's almost time so we should get going now" hollyberry said picking up golden cheese "Oh yes the meeting Hey mint choco are you going to be ok alone with moon here" pure vanilla said mint choco nodded

The ancients left the dinner area hearing off to the meeting room pure vanilla had one more thing to deal with first so he had to go handle the issue

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