9. Fears

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Hizashi sat tensely on the couch. He tried to draw his attention to it; the roughness of the fabric, the dark red colour that he had chose when he and shouta had moved in together years ago. But he couldn't. All he could hear were the loud crashes of thunder, and all he could see was the bright streaks of lightning. Him having a voice quirk, you'd think he would be accustomed to such noise, yet here he was shaking and near crying just at the idea of the thunderstorm outside. Shouta knew what was happening at the instant that he heard thunder, sloping off to pick up one of his hoodies and a fluffy blanket. He headed quietly to the kitchen and made a warm meal before heading to where his shaking husband was sat. He placed down the meals on the coffee table and kneeled next to the couch to get to the others level.
"Here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna put your favourite music on in the background, and we're gonna eat and cuddle here until the thunder and rain stops, does that sound okay?"
Hizashi bit his lip and nodded, flinching at the sudden light through the window.
Shouta slowly moved around, handing hizashi his hoodie and blanket before turning on a lamp and the music he had promised. Hizashi relaxed as his husband walked to his side, sitting and opening his arms. Hizashi curled into him, being handed his food, and appreciated the small back rubs as he ate and calmed his nerves at the presence of his other half. Shouta praised hizashi quietly, eating his own food before settling down into the couch and letting his head fall back as his eyes fluttered shut. Hizashi took this as a cue to slide into shoutas lap completely, laying his chest against him and bringing the blanket across them both.
Shouta hummed to a few of the songs, knowing the deepness of his tone and feeling of vibration in his chest often lulled Hizashi to sleep.
"You wanna nap for a while sunshine?" Shouta gazed fondly through lidded eyes as they both got comfortable. Hizashi only muttered a small
"Yes please" before they cuddled closer and napped within the warmth of eachothers love.

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