Chapter 10: Dead Memories

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A year has passed. I've officially completed a year as a diploma student. Thoughts - I still can't believe I've completed a year already. It's certainly been a good journey thus far, I encountered some important lessons from the past. Especially last term. The lesson I gained from it. It's important to have a proper game plan and stick to it. Whether you are trying to get shit done, have a steady financial plan, or work out a routine, it's important to have a game plan. It's like a pathway for you to go on. 

Starting this term, I have five new subjects: screenwriting, event management subject, radio, marketing, and advertising. 

Screenwriting. At first, I knew that writing was not my strong point. However, I have the utmost respect for writers. People think that writing is a piece of cake. Well, after experiencing it, it was tough as fuck. I already knew that it was going to be tough. But just knowing what a writer goes through is just mind-blowing. Especially writing going through the process of a script getting accepted. We had to come up with an idea, and show it to our lecturer, and he agree with the idea of the script. We had to write a full film script. But thankfully, I had a good group. Easy to communicate with them, and easy just to get the job done. But I guess one thing I knew I can learn from writing is its actual process. I knew that I'm wanting to be part of the video industry, and it was important to fully understand the script. Whether it's for an advertisement, a short film, a music video, and more, being able to understand the script can help you do wonders in terms of getting the message across to the audience. You can have the best visuals in the world, the best audio, and characters in a film, but at the end of the day, if the story does not meet people's expectations, they'll lose interest in it very quickly. 

Radio was with Mr Edward again. I'm pleased that he was teaching the subject. I feel like I have another opportunity to prove myself again. Radio was something which, to be honest, I didn't pay attention to.  I mean it was a subject which I'm interested in. And was keen to learn more about it. The assignment was fun. The first two pieces of assignments that I needed to do, were to talk about something for 5-minutes. And interviewing a person about anything through audio. It's like a podcast of some sort. Now, this was my favourite assignment. I manage to interview Mohnish. We were talking about a short film which we did together. I knew it has going to be good. We knew each other. I just knew that it will be an interesting podcast for my lecturer to listen to. Another assignment included a group assignment. We had to do a story. If I remember correctly, we did a thriller story. I remember I had to act as a drunk husband, an old uncle, and as a narrator. People might think I worked as a drunk husband and an old uncle was fun, but to be honest with you, I had a lot of fun acting as a narrator. If you're from the UK or stayed in the UK for a while, you've probably heard of the show "Little Britain". If you haven't watched it, it's an amazing show. The narrator in the show does a good job of explaining the story. Some of the jokes and things that you hear from him make you laugh. Especially in a radio drama, narrating is essential. People can't see fuck all. So people need to imagine what's going on. 

Marketing is with a new lecturer. I have honestly forgotten her name. She's a good lecturer. Let's be honest, when we were at school, we just call our teachers "Miss", "Sir", or "Mr". This subject I knew that it's going to be beneficial to me somehow, some way. As I always say, marketing is a tool that is a must for you to be able to market yourself to other people. 

The advertising subject was alright. I had this lecturer in the first term of my diploma. Her name is Ms E. The way she teaches her class is good. She wants everyone to contribute to the class, which is quite interactive. Advertising, same as marketing, is another important element to have in your arsenal. Advertising is good in terms of advertising yourself. In my opinion, I see marketing as a tool for how communicating with people. Advertising is putting yourself out there and letting people know about yourself. Or even what you're selling. 

The event organising subject was taught by Mr Mugam. At first, I was shitting myself. Having to come up with an event online was a different ball game. I do have that experience as an event organiser, but the only difference was it was way before the pandemic. But I knew that I have a bit of an upper hand compared to the rest. During the first two weeks, I met the clients. First impression: they seem to be pretty good. I got along just fine during the duration of the project. Every time I spoke to them, I always felt good talking with them. But going back to the first two weeks, I remember Mr Mugam wanted us to split into teams. We had a social media, marketing, logistics, video, and another team. Well, I knew I wanted to be part of the video team. Doing videos was my strong point. I even elected myself as the leader of the team. Being a leader for me was something I was sort of used to, but I knew I had made my fair share of mistakes in the past. But I look at it as an opportunity to help me grow. I thought my team was excellent. I sort of got lucky that two people whom I didn't know personally were amazing, followed by the other two who I knew personally and I know what are their strengths. So overall, I had a solid foundation in place. I mainly did the recording side, whereas I put my team to handle the final edits of the video. In terms of everything, I just had challenges in terms of trying to make sure that the quality of the video was there. I was focused on making sure that the clients liked the video they were getting. I always knew that if I do good, I can put this work on my CV, or even better, get a job out of that. Other challenges included almost wanting to give up and just quit. I guess what the driving factor is, if I don't pass, I have to repeat this subject. I knew that I do not want to repeat this subject. Not because of Mr Mugam, but just the intensity of the subject. In a way, this was one of the subjects which almost felt like a real-life job situation. But the most important thing which I learnt is the experience which I'll gain out of it. I knew one fine day that this will be beneficial to me in the future. And fast forward to the current moment, safe to say that this experience was a good one. It helped me with projects which I needed to handle in the future. 

Overall, this was certainly challenging for me. But I feel like I just managed to get over the line. Bring on my internship. 

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