Chapter 6: Suspicious

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(Once again there will be spelling mistakes)
3rd Person POV: Blue and Green were the first one to wake up, since its was really early in the morning blue decided to get up and go to Theater while green trying to remember what happened last night. Blue was a good chef so he decided to make some pancakes while red and the other wake up. Purple POV: I didn't get any sleep since I couldn't find my headphones and for some reason I heard some weird noises coming from blue room, anyway I decided to go to theater and saw blue making pancakes but something was off, why is there white frosting on the floor I guess I will clean it up but I can't since am stuck in the vents so I guess red can clean it up. Red POV: I woke up to the smell of pancakes and wonder who was making food and to my surprise blue was making pancakes but why is there white frosting on the floor and where green? I grew curious I was about to ask blue but then I heard orange waking by. I will tell him after were done. Blue POV: I was done making pancakes and was eating until my lov- uh I mean green came out of my room and sat by me eating the pancakes I made but for some reason everyone was quite until red ask me and green a question that we through will never happened. Hey everyone it's Rosemary am truly sorry that I haven't posted a new chapter since am busy and school shit but yes this is a another cliffhanger. Thank you for reading chapter 6, more chapter are on the way. - Sincerely Rosemary =]

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