Chapter 9: Stress and Shit

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HEYOOO am back after my long ass hiatus and ngl I kinda give up on this story but after many nights of thinking about the story I finally got the power to do something so enjoy

Greens Pov:

"I don't think I can keep this up for long they will find out eventually." I said to myself as I walk through the blood stain floor. As I walk through the halls I found blues room which is the giant blue ish castle. I make my way through the place and went to blue room which was at top of the castle, "great" I said with a disappointed sigh. I finally got to blues room only to see him /FUCKING MASTER/- (nah am joking) playing pertain. "Hey blue" I say with a unsure smile, "Oh hey green I was about to play pertain wanna join me? " he said with a smile on his face. "Blue when will we tell the others. "

Blue Pov:

"Wait what" I said with a face of shock. I guess I never thought to tell the others "green we can tell the others later but right now I just wanna hug and a kiss on my cheek" I said in a child like voice. Green was disappointed but yet he playfully gave me what I wanted. One day we will tell the others but now I want to in enjoy my loving green pool noodle.

(Cliff hanger again)

Yoo so sorry that I had to make another cliff hanger it's 11:33 pm and am bout to pass out due to sleep so this is a quick chapter I may add cyan and yellow but the lookies are definitely being in the book but for now enjoy this toodles


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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