Chapter 7: Questions

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Hey Reader it's paradox rn it's 2 in the morning and am tired as fuck but am gonna try to a least finish this book.

"Blue what happened around last night you look tried? " I said
"Oh that Don't worry I was up playing game with green. " blue said
"Oh really then was is there white frosting on the floor mind telling me? " I said with a smirk
Blue POV:
I was praying that red doesn't know what that white frosting but if I didn't respond then he will get more suspicious,
"Oh-uh heh that uhh it's frosting from I cake that I tried to make but I fuck up the cake when I tried to put white frosting on it. "
A/N: Blue you dirty fucker also why the fuck would you throw away a good cake just bc you fuck up the frosting >:(
'Alright let me get this straight there white frosting on the floor bc you mess up a cake? "
Red said
"Ya... Ya bc I mess up a cake hehe "

Purple POV:
*Bro is blue lying to red well he is but I wanna see what happens next*
I thought while blue tried to escape red questions
"HEY AM DONE SOOO AM GOING BACK TO MY ROOM AND IF YOU NEED ME YOU KNOW WHERE TO FIND ME!? " Blue said in a rush after that he slammed his door leaving behind green
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: This mother fucker fucked green then leave him wtf-

"Well I still got a few more questions but I will ask him this afternoon. " red said while putting away the dirty dishes
"But green can I speak with you? "

Hahaha get cliffhanged again but seriously am tired as fuck and am truly sorry for not posting chapter school has been killing me lately so thank you for your patience

-Sincerely Paradox

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