Chapter 8: No Where To Hide Pool Noodle

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Hello Readers its me Rosemary ik it's been a while but am back :D
Anyway enjoy the chapter

Red Pov: "Hey green may I talk to you? " I said with a serious tone and right as I said that green start to sweat rapidly, "oh hey red I uh... Didn't hear you hahaha." He said with a nervous laughter. I got suspicious of green since he never acts like this, 'oh well I just wanted to talk about what happened last night with you and blue? "

Green POV:
"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT" I was screaming at myself mentally but am pretty sure that red has mind reading power or shit and he somehow know, "did you had sex with blue last night? " (hahaha no where to hide now blind poor noodle)

"Uh now what's makes you think I had sex with blue? " I said with a sheepish smile, red got suspicious but since he somehow let that slide, "alright green just tell me when blue acts weird ok? ", "alright man haha I will just go to my room haha... " after that I ran to my room that was pretty dumb of me to do since that made me really sus
(HAHAHAHAHAH AMONG US- help me am going insane)

Red POV:
"Green had sex with blue didn't he. " I just a disappoint face, " he did I even heard green moan? "
"Oh well let's just keep acting like we don't know for now alright purple" "oki" after that we went to lure more people to the place so we can eat more.

Cliff hanger I think
Am so sorry I forgot I made this story I was so caught up in school but I gotta give you guy something to read so here a short story am trying to write more I promise cya. - Sincerely Paradox

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