Chapter 1: A Old Friend

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"I'm Kenslie Strutton, and I have met 139 celebrity's to date. Everyone from Cody Simpson to Monona and Michael Jackson. My dad is Kenith Strutton, who owns half the arenas in Australia. I hate his job. Everyone else in the world would be beyond happy to have a dad who could get you in to any show you wanted, but not me. 1ts of all everyone at my school has tried to be my friend just to go to stuff at least three times each. Also people don't realize that when you dad is in a place of power all eyes are on you. You can't even dye your hair let alone get a boyfriend without people commenting.

At this point I only have three real friends: Avery, Kennedy and Skye. the three where all sitting in my room with half their wardrobes at my house trying to decide we were going to wear to the Ed Sheeran concert in Sydney. We were discussing pop roomers happily as a slight breeze blew in the window of my room on the 3rd floor.

"Do you guys really think Rihanna is dating Chris brown again?" perked Skye.

"I don't know but that doesn't sound like a good idea...." replied Kennedy who was beginning to brush her long auburn hair in one of my wall mirrors.

"Didn't he hurt her?!?!?!?" exclaimed Skye.

"yeahhh I think so" I said. Avery was lying across half my bed on her phone looking at her twitter stream when her jaw dropped. "What?" I said addressing Avery.

"Guess who's coming to Australia tomorrow?" Avery asked looking increasingly more excited.

"Who?" inquired Skye lowering her magazine.

"Only one of my favorite bands" hinted Avery.

"In sync?!??" I teased.

"One Direction!" Avery announced

"Really?!?" Kennedy and Skye quipped.

"I though they weren't due till next week?" I said "or at least that when our concert tickets are..."

"Well I guess they came in early!" concluded Skye.

"Well I guess so!" perked Kennedy. one thing I was thankful for was that my friends were really good about being around someone famous, and still keeping a cool head. Last year after we met bon jovi, we all had to run into a janitors closet because we couldn't hold back out emotions much longer. We had a 5 minute scream session then went back out to the meet and greet.

The day continued with getting ready for the upcoming concert and lots of nutella breaks. by 6:60 we were all ready, and waiting in the vast majority white foyer, for my diver to pull to take us to the concert. we all buzzed with excitement because Ed was our favorite person to see in concert by far.

The concert went really well. At all of my dad's arenas, there is a room backstage where the band and performers can relax before and after their shows. That where me and the girls normally go after the shows to meet the performers. It's packed with foods and the décor normally changes depending on the performer that week. For Kiss that room looked really hard with rock themed accent furniture. This time for Ed everything was just really relaxed and comfy.

After the meet and greet we headed on in there buzzing about how good the performance was. we walked in to see Ed laying on the couch with a bowl of chips.

"Helloooo!" we all said.

"Hi!" he greeted back happily. "wait I think I remember you lot!" he said gesturing to my friends.

"And you don't remember me?!?" I teased back laughing as we all sat down on the couch.

"Of course I don't remember you Kenz. You totally don't come to all 14 of my concerts every time come to Australia. And I defiantly didn't spend three days on your dad's yacht in the harbor referring to you as 'sis". Ed said sarcastically, then leaning over to hug me. "How are you?" he asked.

"Good pretty tried! How's tour?" I asked back

"Good pretty tiring" he said mocking my answer making everyone laugh. "But I might have to request a few more yacht days to recharge!"

"You are always welcome Ed, you know that!" I said hitting him slightly. Then the girls all got engaged in action till Ed pulled out his phone and pulled me towards him. "What do you think you're doing Mr.?"

"Taking a picture!" he replied and he a took picture of the two of us.

"What's that for?!?" I asked trying to look at his phone, but he pushed my away. he pulled up a message and attached the photo. "who are you sending that too?" I said straining to see the name.

"Don't be so snoopy!" Ed said. I then glanced over quick enough to see that it was sent to a person names "Haz".

"Who the hell is 'Haz'" I said and in my peripheral vision I say Avery's jaw drop slightly.

"Welllllllllllllll. if you mustttt knowwww! Its Harry. He asked how I was with and I sent a picture of us!!" Ed elaborated.

"Harry.........?" I said still unsure.

"Bloddy Hell Kenz! Harry Styles! ya know from One Direction? The ones you're going to see next week? I don't have to tell you who they are right?" he chuckled leaving me feel really stupid.

"ohhhh gotcha. what'd he say back?" I said slightly curious.

"Why so curious?" he asked raising an eyebrow. Ed can read me like a book.

"No reason." I said brushing it off.

"Well I guess I'll find out sooner or later!" He said. No one can keep a secret from Ed. My phone buzzed. It was a message from our driver saying he was out back.

"Hey, guys Gerard is here." I announced and we all began to stand up. We all began to collect our stuff when Ed pulled me to the side.

"We still need to talk about everything from last summer. I need an update Hun." Ed whispered while the girls were distracted collecting their purses. My heart dropped. This was the last thing I wanted to think about. My eyes started to burn and he could tell the current impact of his words. Ed swooped me into a hug.

"Don't worry about it now. I'm so so so sorry I brought it up. We can talk when you're ready." He replied swiftly.

"Ok Ed. Thanks you for being there for me." I responded after our hug broke.

"I'm always here for you Kenz." He said simply as we headed back over to the group heading for the door. "Bye Girls"

We all said our good byes, and then headed back home for a short night of sleep.

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