Chapter 2: The Excruciatingly Embarrassing First Impression

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The girls and I woke up at about 8:00am the next day. They were all leaving on a optional school trip to Alice Springs, that I wasn’t allowed to go to. They wouldn’t be back for six days, and to be honest I was going to be pretty lonely.

            “I can’t believe you can’t come!” moaned Skye as we started our trek down the stairs of my house.       

            “It’s seriously not going to be as fun without you.” added Avery.

            “I agree!” piped up Kennedy.

            “It’s just my dad being stupid. Don’t worry about me! You guys just have fun!” I said finishing the conversation and we finally made it to the first floor. Soon they all loaded up into Skye’s car and headed home.

            I strode across the house into the kitchen to find my dad and Melanie cooking pancakes. Melanie was dad’s girlfriend. Yes girlfriend. Nine years ago my mom went missing. Or shall I say vanished. She just disappeared without a trace. My dad told me for years that she just deserted us, but I don’t know what believe. I was nine years old when she left so I still kind of remember her. I try not to think about her, because just the idea of her abandonment makes me feel unwanted.

“Morning” I said quietly grabbing some cereal out of the pantry.

“Good morning Kenslie” perked Melanie. She was tall with brunette hair, and she was an almost a perfect hourglass.

“Sleep Good?” asked my dad as I sat down at the breakfast bar with my cereal.

“Yes” I answered.

“Ed called for you” announce my dad. “About an hour ago because he said you weren’t answering your phone.”

“Do you care if me and him hang out today?” I requested

“Sounds fine with me!” he answered. Than he began talking to Melanie. My dad is just a really difficult person. We actually don’t talk much. This was the most we’d talked in I think about a month. Once I finished eating I climbed back upstairs to my room.

            I grabbed my phone on my bed side table and phoned Ed.

“Hello?” Ed said over the phone.

“Hi” I replied plopping on my bed.

“So what are we doing today, considering I have no shows, and i miss you little  fake sister?” he asked.

“Well……” I hopped off my bed and ran to my balcony doors, slid them over, the stepped out. “Sydney harbor looks really gorgeous today; I think we should go out on the water!”

“Sure what time?”

“Let’s meet at my house in a half an hour and then well walk down to the docks together.” I said

“Ok! Today’s going to be fun, but I have a quick question!”

“Shoot!” I replied, curious to what he was going to say.

“Can I bring a couple of friends? They’re nice lads I swear!” he inquired

“Yeah that’s fine! Ok see you in a bit!” I finished

“Ok bye!” he said before hanging up. I didn’t think much of the guests because last time he brought his band mates too.

After taking a shower, I brushed out my light brown curly hair. I then picked out my navy blue bikini top with white anchors on it and gold accent beads. Next I pulled the bikini top and bottoms than a loose tank and a pair of jean shorts. I glanced at my thigh and saw the semi faded scars that covered it and remembered that I had to put some water proof cover up on them. Ed thought I stopped, but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.  From there I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs to the foyer to wait for Ed.

Not shortly after he arrived at the house and we started our walk to the docks.

“I thought you were bringing friends?” I asked.   

“They are running a bit late but they will be there!” He answered. Ed was wearing a striped shirt and Bermuda shorts with sailor style shoes. “so how are you doing?” Ed asked.

“Better I guess….?” I answered insure.

“Are you still……….?” he asked looking really calm as he walked. I couldn’t lie to him.

“Not as bad as before, but don’t worry they are all covered.”

“I really wish you’d stop cutting Kenz.” Ed stated “but I’m not going to lecture you. I just honestly think you’re better than that. And you’re gorgeous, so you have nothing to worry about.”

“Thanks Ed” I said returning the smile he had sent me.  Ed put his arm over my shoulders, and we finished the short walk to the dock. We easily spotted my dad’s yacht because to be honest, it was the biggest one at the docks. the Captain helped us on board.

“Welcome back Miss. Strutton, same to you, Mr. Sheeran” said the captain.

“Please just call me Kenslie!” I requested shedding him a warm smile. Ed and I made our way to the front of the boat where the large bed-like sun loungers are. Ed pulled  his phone out of his pocket as I walked over to the bar to try to find the suntan lotion.

I could hear Ed talking in the distance;

“Hey are you guy still coming out today?.........Oh wait you’re here?...... Ok just head to the front of the yacht.”

I was crawling under the bar until I finally found the sunscreen. Then, I heard Ed talking to multiple men, so I grabbed a couple bottles.

But before completely crawling out from under the bar I stood up too soon, and slammed my head on the underside of the granite bar. An excruciating pain was sent through my head.

“HOLY FUCK!” I yelled before remembering that we had company. There was an immediate burst of laughter from behind me. Having fallen to the floor at impact I remained there till the laughter died down.  I then picked up the bottles and stood up and turned to see who all just saw me humiliate myself. I turned to see a group of guys I didn’t expect to see. All five members of One Direction.      

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