Chapter 4

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Since the guys weren't in their swimsuits yet, they headed to the lower deck where the bathrooms were. That left only Ed and I, and he was sending me a half grin as I began to rub sunscreen on my arms.

"What?!" I asked trying to seem innocent.

"Nothing nothing" he said slowly grinning at me. "You have seemed pretty quaint with the guys so far.."

"Yeah they are pretty cool.." I quipped trying to act really focused in rubbing in my sunscreen.

"What do you think about Harry?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing much yet, seems like a cool lad." I said avoiding eye contact with Ed.

"I can't help but notice how you didn't freak out when you noticed you were sleeping against him, or the fact that you didn't really protest when he picked you up to smear the whipped cream on you" ok now I could feel my face turning red.

"I don't know what you are talking about!" I said slyly, but I knew Ed could see right through it.

"Hmmm ok.." He said winking at me. I just smiled at him. You can't keep secrets from Ed. But really I hardly know Harry, why would I ever seriously like him already? I haven't even had a full conversation with him! Then, right on cue Louis, Zayn, Niall, Liam, and Harry all walked over. I got one of those feelings that someone was looking at me, and I glanced up to see Harry's green eyes scanning over my body. I glanced at him and tried not to blush. He was very well built, and covered in a bunch of small tattoos. I had a very strong urge to reach out and touch his abs, but I decided against is. Harry must have noticed me looking because he sent a smirk in my direction. I tried to hide my blushed cheeks by turning to Ed for cover.

"Ed will you get my back?" I asked , motioning to the sunscreen. Before Ed even had a chance to answer, Harry stepped up.

"Want me to Ed? You need all the time you can get putting lotion on that cute ginger skin of yours so you don't burn." Teased Harry making everyone laugh.

"Ha. Ha. Ha." Mused Ed. " if your so keen to apply sunscreen on someone why not put it on to my sensitive ginger back?" The guys continued laughing.

"Fine then" Said Harry still smiling but looking slightly disappointed. Harry walked over to Ed and the other guys started applying. All except for Niall, who walked over in my direction.

"Want me to...?" He asked sweetly.

"Sure" I said smiling at him and handing him the bottle. I felt his smooth hands rubbing over my back, spreading the lotion all around. "So how are you enjoying Australia?"

"I actually really like it. It's defiantly one of my favorite places to go when we are on tour!" He answered in his strong irish accent.

"Must be weird being away from home so much.." I said slowly.

"It's weird at first, but once you're on the road you're to busy to think about it. Yanno?"

"Yeah I guess so!" I added. We switched positions so I could put some on Niall's back, and I couldn't help but notice that Harry kept glancing in our direction. Once we were all done, we headed to the edge of the deck, which Louis promptly dived off of straight in to the water screaming, "I CAN FLY!". We all were cracking up while he sunk into the deep water in front of us. The everyone else started dropping in yelling various things. Ed, then Liam, then Zayn, and Niall all jumped in, leaving Harry and I, as the only people on the deck.

"Feeling any better?" He asked turning towards me.

"A bit." I said slowly. "But if you don't mind me asking..."

"Yes?" Harry said politely looking up at me.

"Why was I sleeping on you?" I asked still confused about that situation.

"Oh" he in his husky voice. "We laid you down and then took turns watching you, and on my turn you kinda just moved on me then passed out on me...sorry if I -er- went in your personal space.." Holy Crap why is his voice so attractive? It's just really rocky and husky and ..UGHHH what am I saying?!?!?

"No it's ok.." I said smiling slightly at him. " it was sweet" I added, sending him a slight grin. Then I turned and jumped off the boat, plunging into the harbor.


We spent the whole morning swimming, and then got back on the boat at about noon. We ordered food and all headed up to the sky deck, where we laid out waiting for the food.

"This has been the most fun I have ever had on a break day." Sighed Louis stretching out on a recliner.

"I totally agree" Niall said excitedly and the server brought him a plate with 4 burgers stacked on it with a mountain of fries towering on the side.

"So Ed" Harry started "this is where you always escape to when you are in Australia?"

"Pretty Much. I met Kenz at a concert and we just became really close mates after that. So whenever I'm here I come and hangout with her, and whenever she's in London, she comes to see me. " Ed explained draining a beer.

"So why did you guys come to Sydney a week before your show?" I asked.

"A couple of our shows in Mexico got canceled so we decided to get here early before the concert." Said Zayn.

"And that was obviously a good idea considering the fun we have had today!" Added liam.

"Well I'm happy you guys could join us! Normally it's just Ed and I, and our joint supply of dirty jokes." I said after taking a bit out of my burger.

"You act like that's a bad thing!" Exclaimed Ed acting upsett causing us all to laugh.

"We should do something tonight" suggested Liam.

"Yeah!" We all agreed.

"What do you all want to do?" Asked Harry, and I couldn't help but notice that he was staring directly at me.

"Well I'd say we could go to the cinema, but we would probably get mobbed." Said Louis.

"And I was in the mood for popcorn!" Groaned Niall pouting.

"Well if you guys want to watch a movie, I have a big theatre room in my house. And I have popcorn machine Niall."I said slowly. I was kinda shy about telling people about my house. People used to try to be my friend just so they can come over.

"Really?! That would be awesome!!" Said Zayn excitedly.

"Yeah!" Added Liam.

"Want to meet at 7?" I suggested.

"Sounds good!" Said Harry eagerly. We all finished eating than began collecting our stuff as the yacht docked.

"Thanks for letting us come out with you guys!" Said Harry while we were walking off the boat.

"Anytime, I had fun" I said popping on my sunglasses.

"Me too." Harry quipped smiling at me."see you later!"

Then Harry and the guys headed over to a black car, while me and Ed began our walk back to my house.

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