Kion (Kali)'s life surrounded by the hyenas

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It was a dark day. There was no life surrounding Kali(kion) as he trudged through the barren wasteland that is the Outlands. He had a corpse on his back as he went back to his cave.

"Hey Janja, got a bit for dinner." Kali said glumly as he walked past him.

"Whats got you down?" Janja asked, following the lion cub whilst drooling for a bite to eat.

"Nothing... Just why do those pridelanders just get to enter our territory as they please?" Kali asked after ahving to chase two animals out of the outlands in one day.

"Very simple" Janja spoke slowly, "They know we wont be able to retaliate as long as they keep are factions apart."

"Theres other groups?" Kali sounded shocked for he still hadn't visited the other territories in the outlands.

"Duh!" One of Janja's henchmen called Chungu exclaimed, "Just yesterday are eastern front stolen by that Jasiri!"

"Who?" Kali asked, still oblivious.

"honestly Kali... you'll know one day." Janja huffed, wanting to eat. "Lets just eat for now."

As kali was trying to sleep he just couldn't stop thinking about that other clan.

"Jasiri... Jasiri... on the eastern flank of our territory..." Kali muttered, upstet that they had lost ground without him even knowing. "I'll go and ask it back peacefully tomorrow" He said naively before drifting to sleep.

The Morning came quickly for Kali as he only got 3 hours sleep. He went quickly to the east flank of their territory with Cheezi and Chungu who he convinced to help.

"There it is!" Chungu exclaimed exitedly to Kali.

"Good! now get Jasiri's attention so I can reason with her." Kali commanded as Cheezi and Chungu entered Jasiri's cave.

About 2 minutes later the two hyenas ran out of the cave frantically being followed by two other hyenas. Two extremely young hyenas...

"Your kidding right..." Kali muttered as the two much bigger hyenas ran behind him.

"They tried to bite us!" Cheezi exclaimed.

"did you even find that Jasiri?" Kali asked annoyed as the baby hyenas yapped at them.

"no! But they could lead us?" Chungu replied.

"Ok, here's the deal little ones." Kali growled at the babies, "Your going to take us to that Jasiri right now."

Then the baby hyenas started yapping past kali in an exited tune. kali turned around to see Cheezi and Chungu running away and another purple hyena staring at him.

"Don't EVER talk to the pups like that!" She growled at kion. "Who are you - lion!?

"I'm Kali and you must be that Jasiri." kali retorted in a crude manner.

"So what are you? A henchman for Janja? A lost pridelander who sided with Janja?" 

Kali was infuriated deeply by that.


"Well if are so loyal to that hag you'd best leave NOW!" She commanded.

"Look I'm not leaving until you listen, I've come to request for you to leave your annexed land. A fight would not be ideal... For you." 

"And what if I don't comply?" She remarked whilst circling the lion cub.

"Well... Things may become nasty..." He insisted.

"Maybe for you.."

Just then Janja appeared followed by Cheezi and Chungu

"Janja! I expected you." Jasiri said unintimidated. "but its to late, my sis has already informed the pridelands Lion guard!"

"KALI! I told you not to make your existence known!" Janja Shouted at Kali.

"I just wanted our land back... I thought we could co-operate together... You know, against those horrid pridelanders who threaten our very existence." Kali explained nervously, he didn't want to upset Janja as he was like a brother to him. "At least that was my idea. Then I lost my cool." 

Suddenly a rumble could be heard before a sight of 4 differently sized creatures.

"KALI! GET BACK TO THE CAVE!" Janja called!

Kali who was already worried for upsetting Janja just then did not hesitate to run.

This was just in time for the lion guard approached Janja and attacked him.

Kion: from the Outlands to the PridelandsWhere stories live. Discover now