•ayato | boba date[18+]•

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it was a nice summers day out in inazuma so you decided to go see your friend ayaka for the day.

"oh hello y/n, here to see ayaka?" said one of the guards to the kamisato estate.

"yes i am, is she in today?" you said kindly to the guard.

"sadly not at the moment, but i think she will be here very soon so if you want to wait inside that is perfectly fine with us." the guard replied walking you towards the door to the kamisato estate.

"that will be fine thank you." you had been round the kamisato estate enough to be known by every guard but the one person you hadn't met before was ayato. ayaka's brother. you had seen him once but didn't have a chance to speak to him so hopefully he was here today.

"oh hello, ayakas friend right?" a soft male tone said behind you. startling you a bit since you had never heard this voice before.

"oh um yes. i am." you said slowly turning around to see ayato.

"she won't be in for awhile now, why don't we go on a walk together and get some boba, i had been meaning to speak to you for awhile." he said with a kind smile on his warm looking face.

"that would be nice." you said, a little bit nervous as you had never spoken to this man in your life before.

exiting the kamisato estate you both started to walk. based on your conversations he was a very soft, kind gentleman. he would even offer his arm to walk you up and down steep staircases.

after arriving at the boba shop and sitting down at a table, there was so many options on the menu. classic, matcha, chocolate, thai, vanilla, coconut, sakura, lychee and so on. you couldn't choose so you decided to let ayato surprise you.

"personally i think you should try the caramel [if you don't like this flavour you may change it] flavour, it is my favourite one here. and i'm a local so you better trust me." he said with a small giggle finishing his words.

"yeah caramel would be good thank you."

after getting your boba you drank it swiftly. this boba was the best thing you had ever tasted in your life. ayato has very good taste you think to yourself.

"i guess we could call this a date then." ayato said randomly between slurps.

"i'm sorry.. what?" you say very confused where that came from with no context.

"exactly what i said darling." he says grabbing your hand gently caressing it with his thumb

why was he suddenly acting so romantic around you. it was confusing yet it oddly seduced you. based on everything ayaka says about him when you and her meet up made you very exited to meet him and almost made you crush on him a bit. not to mention how fucking handsome he is.

"you okay there sweetheart? you seem to be staring very deeply into my face." he said with a small laugh.

"oh i'm so sorry i must have just been lost in thought.. uhh this boba is very good." you said awkwardly changing the subject.

ayato laughs and asks for a dessert menu to see what desserts he could buy for you two to enjoy.

after choosing dessert you eat together. it was more awkward since you were still in shock about how romantic he's being all of a sudden.

"i will pay the bill for both of us." ayato said putting mora onto the tray.

"wait ayato.." "nope i've already paid." you sigh and shake your head. how were you going to pay him back?

ayato leaned down to whisper something into your ear. "i guess you'll have to pay me back when we're back at the estate won't you darling?"

feeling blood rush up to your cheeks and your body gets warm. he leaves with a deep toned laugh into your ear and guides you out of the boba shop.

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