•scaramouche | secret admirerer[18+]•

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"looks like i've won again." you slam your pole arm down, making it crack the floor and stick into the mud underneath the tiles of the arena.

"you've improved, well done y/n.. l/n." scaramouche says through heavy breaths.

"and you've gotten worse scaramouche. disappointing." you say grabbing his chin making him face you.

"eh, i haven't gotten worse, you just didn't give me a try." he said gritting his teeth in anger.

"don't even try to prove me wrong. you know you're slacking recently." you shove his face away turning your back to him, grabbing your polearm out of the ground.

"until we meet again scaramouche. i'm hoping you're getting better next battle we have together. goodbye now." disappearing into thin air. you go back to your master raiden shogun.

"how was the battle. that brat still lacking?" yae miko asks taking off your coat for you.

"as always."

"oh my, what a shame, you hear this raiden?" yae miko walks over to raiden handing her a teapot.

"yes i am. in the next battle i want that brat dead. do you hear me." raiden said pouring herself a cup of green tea.

"i hear you master."

"good, now come sit down with me. we'll discuss what i want happening with scaramouche."

you sit down across from raiden as she explains what she wants to happen.

days pass as the plan is in set. you are going to challenge scaramouche to another battle to try murder him as raiden wanting. being her servant you had to do as she said.

timeskip after the battle. you were hit by one of scaramouches attacks. making you fly backwards, hitting the wall behind you. you had hit your head, causing you to see stars and the faint outline of scaramouche walking towards you. that was the last sight you saw before blacking out.

you woke up in an unknown area. you felt sick and your head was banging, your arm was burning and so was your side.

dazed, you forgot what had even happened.

"awake at last." the voice sounded fuzzy and you tried to sit up to look at the direction you heard it but soon fell back down into the blankets you were placed on.

"who's weak now. y/n l/n." it was scaramouche, he was the only person apart from yae who would call you that, and i don't think yae has a voice quite this masculine.

"scaramouche, what did you do to me." you say through grunts of pain.

"beat you. now drink this you'll feel better." he handed you some strange looking liquid in a clear medicine bottle.

"why should i trust anything you give me. you've probably pissed in that thing." you pushed it out of your face aggressively.

you finally gained strength to stand up keeping your hand on your arm and your arm close to your side.

"you dick. get me out of where ever this place is."

"nope can do unless you want to swim home." he smirked still sat in his wooden chair staring at you.

"what do you mean by that!" you started getting closer to him anger raging in your eyes.

"we're on a boat, drink that medicine you ever so rudely knocked out my hand and you'll be fine." scaramouche picked the bottle back up holding it out infront of you.

"why do you want me to drink that so badly."

"why don't you want to so badly?" scaramouche raised an eyebrow.

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