•zhongli | set up[18+]•

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you were a traveler from liyue harbour working for the wangsheng funeral parlor. your best friends being hu toa and zhongli.

"hey y/n!" hu tao says running up to the table you were sat at. "how's life?"

"oh you know the usual." you say sipping on the tea you were drinking. hu tao took a seat opposite you and started general conversation. until it started getting a little bit spicy.

"soooo, you like anyone?" she said with a mischievous grin on her face, circling her cup with her finger.

you're face flushed red and you paused. staring at hu tao with wide eyes. "oh well... i uhhh don't have one." that was the most obvious lie you had ever told in your life.

"ohh reaaaaaaalllyyyy." hu tao says sarcastically. "who is it who is it who is it." she chanted.

"okay fine fine." you say sighing deeply.

"zhongli." you say with a mumble.

"who?" hu tao tilts her head in confusion.

"zhongli." you say slightly loudly.

"kong king?" hu tao said even more confused than before.

"zhongli!" you say shouting so she heard it this time. which was not the best of ideas as the man himself was walking not that far away from you. "oh shit." hu tao exclaimed jumping off her seat and running.

"hu tao wai-" your sentence was interrupted by a hand leaning into your shoulder.

"yes?" oh fuck sake it was zhongli. of course at this moment he had to walk past.

"oh i'm sorry we were just discussing work and hu tao needs to clean her ears a bit today." you say trying to act as normal as possible.

"okay i shan't worry further then." zhongli said walking off. your face was boiling and hu tao returned from the corner she was hid behind.
"phew that was a close one, good thing you're a quick thinker. but hey that part about cleaning my ears was not cool!"

you softly laughed and sarcastic said "sorry."

"anyways enough of that, what makes you like him?" hu tao said in an oddly comforting tone. you weren't sure if you should tell her or not since was known to accidentally blurt stuff out but you decided to anyway, since she is your best friend after all.

"well he's tall, he's handsome, he's kind not to mention such a gentleman, he's just really easy to talk to and i don't know i just feel so safe around him."

"awwww how cute!" she teased.

"oh shut it." you said slightly embarrassed.

"have you two been talking long enough though to even be considering dating him?" hu tao said.

"me and zhongli have been taking for around a year and a half now, we knew each other before i started working at the funeral parlour. we've went on commissions together and we've traveled quite a bit. so i'd like to say we're pretty close." you felt your face turning red just from the thought of your memories with zhongli.

"give it a go then! i've seen the way he looks at you when you're not looking. he goes slightly shy and red whenever you talking about you to him. i think he likessss youuuu." hu tao teased.

"he doesn't really seem like the relationship type though." you said not wanting to get your hopes up too high.

"oh well on a commission me and him went on a few days ago he said he felt a little empty without a partner. so i guess you could fill that emptiness and he can fill yours if you know what i mean." hu tao said winking.

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