•venti | anniversary[18+]•

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"please just let me play a song in your tavern today diluc! i've ran out of money but i really want a drink." the bard protested.

"then take this water." diluc hands the bard a glass of water in a sarcastic manner.

"ugh you know what i meant. i barbados why can't you just give it to me i'll pay you back once i've got the money!"

"and steal money from your girlfriend again?" diluc crossed his arms getting tired of ventis bullshit.

"you know i'd never, she offers to pay for me."

diluc sighs and grabs the bard, throwing him out of the tavern.

"come back when you've got money please."

"ugh that guy. such a buzz kill." venti try's to get up seeing you standing over him.

"so this is where you were. venti you need to start telling me when you go places it worry's me. here's some money now just go have one drink and now more. i'm gonna be waiting at home for you i'm tired after work today." you sigh. you hated when venti was like this, just running off everywhere getting into trouble, using a lot of money on him just so he can feed into his alcohol addiction.

you walk off not saying bye to him and her to your house. you and venti had only been dating for about a year but you hadn't really been that committed to eachother. you only spoke when you occasionally bumped into eachother in the street or when you walked to his house or he walked to yours every now and then, often times people didn't believe you were dating. you hadn't done anything intimate either apart from making out and touching each other above clothes but you never did anything more than that.

this time you were a bit more sad about leaving him behind since it was your anniversary in a few days and you wanted to spend these days with him.

as you walked into your house you heard yelling from behind you, seeing your best friend amber. "y/n y/n!"

"oh hello amber."

"i've captured the bard, i saw him getting kicked out the tavern for a second time to i decided to bring him back to you."

"oh thank you, he's so reckless honestly." you give amber a hug and wave her off.

"venti what happened this time. and don't try hide anything from me." you place your arms on your hips standing in his face.

"well uhhh i don't know."

"did you have anything to drink?"

"no, diluc kicked me out again because he bought out the wrong thing so i asked if he could bring something else out but he didn't so i had a go at him for it and got kicked out." venti scratched the back of his head nervously knowing it would spark an argument.

"you really need to stop doing stuff like this, it's getting really concerning and it worries me. i just want us to be a normal relationship and i want to see you more but it's hard because you're always out in that stupid tavern or somewhere stupid." you start getting sadder the more you speak about it but you refrain yourself from crying.

"im sorry my love you know what im like, you should've dated me if you don't like it." venti pats your back.

"this isn't time for sarcasm venti. i don't mind you doing it but just be more careful and actually make an effort to come see me more." you we going to mention your anniversary but you wanted to see if he'll remember, even though you knew he wouldn't.

"fine, but i promise i'll make more of an effort i just enjoy being out and drinking with people it's fun. plus you and your girls always go out and drink wine together."

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