• childe | traitor[18+]•

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an ex night of favonius, ran away a few weeks ago dew to an issue between me and my ex boyfriend kaeya. he had slept with another women and blamed me for it all, saying that i had cheated on him with a man from liyue. since that is where i was most of my free time. just because i enjoyed it. i lost all my reputation in mondstadt and kept not going to work so that seemed me as a traitor. after that i just left without saying a word. so they send guards out to try find me to lock away.


it was a nice day out so you decided to go hunting hirlichurls. you had your bow at the ready shooting from a distance when you walked back to get a better angle you bumped into someone causing an arrow to go flying in a random direction

"ah shit who knows where that went, sorry about tha-" you were cut off by seeing someone you had recently had an issue with in liyue. childe.

"what are you doing here?" you said raising your bow up to his face.

"calm down please, i only saw you travelling around and decided to apologise for what happened." he lowered your bow to the ground with one of his fingers.

"why would you apologise? you betrayed me!" you said getting closer to him. it was quite embarrassing as he was quite a bit taller than you.

"i heard what happened in mondstadt." he said with a look of genuine concern on his face. "you're a runaway from the knights of favonius, they count you as a traitor now. you're wanted for stacks of mora there."

"how did you hear about that. it isn't your business honestly." you were about to leave when you felt his strong hand grip your shoulder, stopping you in your place.

"please just let me explain." childe said turning your body around to face him.

he was about to start explaining the whole reason you and him had that issue in liyue but you heard a familiar voice coming from a few feet behind you.

"well would you look at that." it was keaya. the person you wanted to see the least. "you're coming back with us weather you like it or not traitor."

"who's this guy?" childe said with jealousy in his tone. which shocked you, why would he out of anyone be jealous?

"my ex boyfriend, he slept with a women and blamed me for it, loosing reputation and friends i ran away from mondstadt to start a new life here. without you!" you said screaming in keayas direction at the end.

"ohhh really tough guy." childes eyes narrowed
his expression grew aggressive and he leaped infront of you, swords at the ready "she's not going anywhere with you and that's final, note leave before i have to slit your throat with these!"

"oh really, how come?" keaya said smirking while signalling the guards to ready their spears.

"because i'm her boyfriend now asshole, don't think just because you're an ex you get to control her around and be a dick towards her, she did nothing to you!" oh god it was so cringy childe made himself look bigger to try scare away kaeya but his acting so so so terrible even a hilichirl could see though that. he leaned into you whispering "just play along" ear.

to make it more realistic you grabbed onto childe's clothes for comfort. trying to make it as comfortable as possible so kaeya wouldn't suspect a thing but since you aren't on good terms that was quite hard to do.

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