Meeting You

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Ryan was on the road driving to a park, he was invited to be in a content group. He didn't want to at first but Justin begged him to because he wanted someone he knew to be in the group with him. Ryan agreed so he'd stop bothering him about it, he hope whoever was starting this didn't like him so he could go home. Ryan didn't like the idea of meeting new people too much, he was shy and didn't know what to do went he got there.

Would they just decide if they liked you and you'd be in the group? Were there a lot of people joining? Or trying to join? Ryan got there, sitting in his car preparing himself for this. What if they didn't like him? Well that didn't matter to Ryan, he didn't really care what they'd think since he didn't want to come in the first place. He was about to get out when he noticed Justin with two other guys. He got out and locked his car, he then went to the two guys and Justin.

"Ryan! You made it!"

"Yeah well I promised you I would.."

"Yeah whatever, this is Kane and Darren"

"Hey, I'm Ryan.."



"So how does this work?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do they decide if they like us and we get in or? How many people will there be? And how many are trying to join?"

"I think it's just us, Sebastian and Oliver haven't even landed yet" Kane answered.

"Who are they?"

"They started this duh!" Ryan rolled his eyes at Darren.


Ryan sat on a bench in the shade, he started doing whatever on his phone waiting for this Sebastian and Oliver. A few hours later, Kane and Darren didn't seem too fond of each other and Justin tried to keep them from fighting. Justin was tired of them already and it's not even been a day. Ryan had his headphones in and Justin noticed. Just then someone else arrived and the boys except Ryan greeted and introduced themselves. It was Regie who saw a thing somewhere for it and decided to try it out.

"Sorry Regie, he probably doesn't notice you yet but he's Ryan"

"That's okay, he seems like a shy person"

"He is" Justin answered.

"He's rude too, he rolled his eyes at me.."

"That's because you're annoying" Kane blurted out.

"You're more annoying!'

"Both of you shut up and stop fighting, we been here for like 3 hours and you guys are already fighting"

"Woah, you guys have been here for 3 hours?"

"Kinda Ryan got here an hour after we did"

"Oh okay"

Ryan looked up and finally noticed Regie and introduced himself than apologizing for not noticing him there. Ryan went back to his phone, he didn't want to talk to them, he didn't think he had to since he probably wouldn't make it in the group. Soon Oliver and Sebastian arrived, they all started introducing themselves to each other and then looked at Ryan who looked bored as hell. Justin walked over and taped his shoulder, Ryan looked up and saw Sebastian. He froze, they already here? Since when? Ryan's poker face hid his panic so he just got up to introduce himself once again.

They all sat down and Kane called his brother to be a manger for their group, Ryan couldn't talk much... He didn't know what to say. They sat in a circle, to Ryan's left was Sebastian and to his right was Kane. Ryan just looked everywhere but at everyone there and barely listened to their conversation. Sebastian noticed but didn't know what to do about, he seemed shy. He thought about it and decided to wait a little bit longer to see if he'd talk if not he'll take him somewhere to open up to at least one person. A little bit went by and everyone was talking ignoring the fact Ryan was the only one not talking. Sebastian decided to get Ryan away from there a little bit.

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