Oops! I set my Science teacher on fire

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Seraphina P.O.V.


Waking up I slam my hand on the annoying beeping machine, stretching my arms I groan and look to see what day it was only to groan more a day of hell.

School on a Monday, I hate school as I am not great in many subjects as reading is not my strong suit.

Dyslexia am I right aha, I'll see myself out.

Anyway getting out of bed I slowly get dressed and slowly walk downstairs not making myself in a hurry as school sucks and can wait for me.

"Good morning Seraphina" I look up to see my Father and smile, every morning my Father gives me a greeting brightening my mood up even on a Monday.

"Good morning, dad do you have work today?" My dad Bruce works as a journalist, and most of the time I rarely see him for dinner or even for the next day as most of his stories take him away from the house.

"Yes, I have a story to work on today so I probably won't be back until later tomorrow sorry Seraphina" I wave him off as this is normal for me so I just have to remember to make dinner for myself as my dad won't be here.

"It's alright just remember to be safe okay." My dad sometimes goes  hard for his job as he takes himself to crazy places.

One time he went to a temple that held something called the forever fire, honestly, I don't know much from that story but, that was the job that brought my father to my beautiful mother.

I have never met my mother but, the stories from my dad have given me good imagination of what she was like and how she looked.

"I will, alright I have to go have a good day at school please and honey let's try and be a great student today I know life is hard right now with reading and other things, but I want you to try your best alright." My dad has always been in my corner when it came to my dyslexia which has always been a hindrance however, I can read many greek books as they seem easy for me.

I honestly am not that great with many subjects in school science though was a favorite of mine so I was looking forward to that class the most.

Shutting the door I leave for the bus stop and await the yellow vehicle.

*arriving at school*

The bus was boring as usual but, when I reached school it becomes a zoo for the day people pushing people.

Fighting, teachers trying to get to kids to calm down the usual I don't know what it was with new yorkers but, they seemed to always be rambunctious.

Making my way to my first class I sigh hoping to just get through the school day without any hindrance.

Sitting down I get my books for math a great way to start the day right, wrong math sucks who in the hell came up with this stuff.

Well, whoever it was they must have hated the people around and wanted to watch them and their ancestors forever suffer with this kind of thing.

Feeling the presence of someone watching me return I quickly look up, only to not see anyone there so again I shrug it off.

Honestly, this presence has always been there but, for some reason after my twelfth birthday this past July, it has become stronger.

*Last class*

Feeling myself slow down on the way to science I had a terrible day math was hard, shocker, and English sucked I don't know why I even try this Dyslexia crap is so hard to just get used to, it sucks.

Finally arriving at science I await for a boring lesson as most of my classes are just absolutely boring, I don't like school and I wish I could find something in the future to work at that won't need a god damn diploma but, that is not how the world works.

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