A quest from Pholus

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Seraphina's P.O.V

Waking up this morning I felt like I was on top of the world, Not only has my training gotten better in the fighting aspect but, also in my magic.

Mother seemed super proud of how well my powers came along and I was just happy not to be burning anything.

Since the controlling of my powers went well I have been able to know when to use my fire in an attack, how much to use and how big it can be.

I mean in our last capture of the flag I totally whooped people's butts and I was able t help Annabeth secure the flag for the red team and win.

Unfortunately her boyfriend Percy was on the blue team but, he was happy to see Annabeth's smiling face and I was just happy to help the team win.

Now, well it seems something is going on I mean we have been getting more security I guess you can say since that one Chimera attack. Along with that though both Chiron and Pholus have been having many more talks than usual.

In fact, some talks came through my training time with Pholus so I have had to train with my buddy/ protector Antonio instead.

Of course, I have seen all of the other campers, I will  Annabeth and Lacy have been the ones I see the most as Antonio has to train a lot more with Grover as he is still new to the protector aspect and needs to be ready for things that might come up and Dominik seems to like being by himself most of the time which I totally respect.

I just have a strange feeling though that something is happening soon and the last time I had a strange feeling we got attacked by a Chimera so who knows?

"Seraphina, I would like to talk to you for a minute." Looking over to the person who just called my name I see Pholus standing by the water.

Nodding my head ok I run over to Pholus wondering what the sudden urgency was about.

"Yes, Pholus, what is it?" Looking at him he seemed really tired I do wonder what has been troubling the two Centaurs of the camp.

"I need you to go on a quest for me, I know you are recently new here but, Your training has gone so well that I think you are ready to receive one. Do you want to know what it is?" Pholus stares at me with calmness as I feel the excitement of receiving a quest rush through me.

"Yes, what is the quest you need me for?" I feel my body surge ecstatically at the prospect of going on an adventure.

"I need you to go on a quest for Apollo, we have gotten word from Zeus that his son recently has gone missing and this time it wasn't because he was kicked out of Olympus." I nod my head to what he was saying but, got confused gods can be kicked out of Olympus.

"I never knew gods can be kicked out like Olympus was a club." It honestly sounded funny when you think about gods being kicked out.

"Yes, well Olympus is made of the whole family as some came from the same lineage and others were born of that lineage I understand it's a bit hard to understand everything but, I will explain it a bit. You see Seraphina Gods up in Olympus all have a special role and one god was put in charge above all the rest, that god is Zeus who has many children two of them are Apollo god of the sun, and his twin Artemis goddess of the moon, and Hunt. They each have a spot in Olympus and sometimes can do things stupidly. Apollo one time did something really bad Zeus kicked him out of Olympus to teach him a Lesson." Pholus goes into greater detail about the quest Apollo had to go on to regain his spot in Olympus and many other details.

"Alright, so my quest is to go find Apollo and bring him back here so he can go back home is that correct?" I feel like this is a big job for just me I hope I can bring people along.

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