Call to Grover

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Seraphina P.O.V

Yawning I awoke with a sigh, this has been such a long journey and it has only started. Turning away I look at the clock on the nightstand to see it was 9 a.m. so I feel this would be a good time to wake up to not lose the day.

The first thing we need to do is call Grover to get more on this Caligula guy or at least something to help find Apollo.

Walking over to the boy's bed I shake Antonio awake as he would be the only one to have his number as the rest of us probably don't need it.

"Antonio wakey trash is tasty." I try not to sigh at my stupid self as he eats regular food too, but his favorite seems to be the trash of whatever we eat.

"Seraphina- What kind of wake-up call is that!" I shrug my shoulders as I go to wake the other two to get them ready if we want to get breakfast and find where the next place is.

"Antonio, can you call Grover?" I ask as I want this information as soon as possible looking around the room I find a pen and paper so we can write any info he can give us.

"Yes, let me just wake myself up better." I try not to laugh at how I awoke him, looking around I start to pack my bag as we will need to leave soon for our next stop which will be only a few miles away which will be nice.

Looking over I see Antonio on the phone awaiting for Grover to answer, I hope we can get him on the line as it seems he has been much more than any of us have.

Making sure the room is neat and the beds are made I grab Lacy, Austin, and Dominik so we can all be around the table as we listen to what Grover has to say.

"Alright, guys sit around the table. Grover I am going to put you on speakerphone." Antonio presses a button and sets the phone in the middle of our small table.

"So, what can you tell us about who we are fighting?" I ask wanting to make sure to stay on track and get as much info as possible.

"Caligula is a man of many names but, his most well-known is Caeser, Julius Caeser." I drop my jaw we are facing the man who was in charge of Rome millennials ago holy-.

"Ok, what about Caligula do you know about weaknesses or maybe someone who can help figure out what he might want?" I hear Austin asks as he bounced his leg up and down I try not to get up to walk around.

We will literally be facing a madman, someone in the history books who is none as a terrible ruler he had a play written about him by Shakespeare himself.

I shake a little this is really big a handle of a mission I hope we can find Apollo before we actually have to face Julius himself.

"I don't know much Caligula was someone very hard to kill the first time the fact he is alive means that magic might be involved this time which will make this very hard. I do know someone who was very close to the mad man however she might not want to talk to anyone right now." Grover goes on to say as I raise my eyebrow who was that close to Caligula that they won't want to talk to us about it?

"Who is this person? Is there any way we can find them and maybe ask some questions in person?" I really don't want to go in blind as much as I already have so if someone knows more about this Caligula guy the better our quest will go if they can give us more info or help.

"The person who was that close to Caligula was Meg, daughter of Demeter she has always wanted him dead, and when he did die she was finally at peace. She isn't going to like to hear that he may be alive again but, she can help to give weaknesses and whatever information you may need?" I shake my head wondering if he will give us a way to contact her.

"Do you have a way to contact her?" Hearing a sigh I start to feel dejected. I hope that sigh meant that he has it and just doesn't really want to give us the info but, out of obligation will give us the info.

"Yes, do you have a been and paper?" Answering yes Grover goes into detail about how we will be able to contact her, and where she might be at the moment. I start to feel a little better knowing that we can find someone with so much information. 

"Alright thank you, Grover!" I shout a little as I go back over to my bag to make sure I had packed everything to get ready to leave.

"No problem and hey, tell Meg I said hi," Grover says as we all nod.

"No problem, we will," Antonio answers as he hangs up the phone I sigh with a bit of relief thankful we have so many ways to get the information, I hope we can get in touch with Meg as the info she has will probably be the biggest help of them all.

After getting off the call, I walk myself to the car wondering where we were headed next, if we need to meet with Meg I have a feeling a detour will be what we do but, to where.

"Hey, Antonio where is Meg living?" We might as well make a lesser trip for her as we were already on the road what's one detour?

"California," Antonio said with a quick answer damn I hope we can get there with the amount of magic we have left.

Looking at the map I also see our next stop after the detour will be in Time Square on the map it seems we will find a Ukelele wondering what importance it has to Apollo.

Marking the next few stops on the human map from the magical map I then find the next route that we can take, this time it will be a little longer since we have a detour.

Looking at the rest of my group I ask who wants to drive this time as I try and call shotgun. Unfortunately Lacy despite her small size is very scary when she wants to be so I end up between Antonio and Dominik for the rest of the ride as Austin is the one to drive this time.

Sighing I hope that what we get from Meg will help us to save Apollo from whatever he got himself into. I may not know the god myself but, I do have a feeling he likes to be very mischievous for his place with the gods being so big.

*Done it seems our group will be taking a little detour however they hope to be getting good information to help with Apollo, on the Next one we see our heroes meet Meg daughter of Demeter as she recounts her time when she had Apollo as her servant. In this book, I will have Apollo no longer have to serve Meg, I wonder if she can have the answers they are looking for. Will this detour bring anyone bad along? Is Apollo going to be found? and what is in store for our Mighty heroes? find these and more next, " Meeting Meg" is the name of the next Chapter Bye My Little Bears*

 Will this detour bring anyone bad along? Is Apollo going to be found? and what is in store for our Mighty heroes? find these and more next, " Meeting Meg" is the name of the next Chapter Bye My Little Bears*

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