Where is Apollo??

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Seraphina P.O.V

I stared wide-eyed at the completely crazy man in front of me, he wants to become the next sun god is there a way for that?

Thinking back to greek mythology I realize how useless that is as I can't remember any other god being the sun except for Apollo, and how would anyone be able to just take that power so easily? I mean there probably is a spell but, who in their right mind would help some crazy fool such as the dude standing in front of me?

"Ah, you seem to be thinking well I guess you can't really talk which is fine I love to talk so be as good a deary as you are right now, and just listen to my ingenious plan. You see after I was somehow resurrected back into this world I realized whoever did it clearly understood my main mission the first time. Which was to become the sun god himself, unfortunately for me the witch I had was dead so I was at a complete loss as to where to start." I see Caligula give a dramatic sigh as he went on with his crazy self.

"Thinking back to everything I realized something as long as I have me, myself, and I nothing will be able to stop me from becoming a god. So with that in my clear-as-day mind, I thought of how to lure the god unfortunately for him it was easy, he is just so gullible still it makes me laugh." Caligula stops to give a very creepy laugh damn is everything about this dude just creepy or is it just because of the situation I am in.

No matter as all I can do right now is sit and listen to his god-awful plan that seemed to have worked, is Apollo really this stupid and full of himself?

I thought from what I had heard from my fellow campers before I left that he completely changed his ways for the most part and started acting less of a douchebag, Percy's words, not mine, he still is Apollo so there was still that I am god even though being a human must have humbled him or whatever.

At least that was what Meg said after we visited her, I wonder if anyone else is going to come as a backup, now I am not doubting our abilities but, this dude is whack are we sure this team or at least myself is qualified to handle this lunatic.

Shaking my head I return just in time for this damn lunatic to finish his plan as it seemed like world domination is the key to every villain's plan.

Honestly, who wants to rule the world that just sounds so taxing, I mean if our government has anything to show for it being in power sucks.

I would hate to be anyone in power as it seems you always have to follow the rules, set a good example and just exhaust yourself to please people.

Yeah no thank you, however, my mind goes to a very good question. Where is Apollo right now is he in his own room, he isn't with the others as they are right in front of me still passed out or is he somewhere far away from this boat,  does Caligula have a secret hideaway for Apollo and the ritual or whatever they planned is commencing now and we are too late?

As I stare at this guy I realize he is just too full of himself to ever let the sun god be put into a different way from any rescuing which might be smart actually as he now can use Apollo for bait.

He did now that I think of the situation my team and I are in well, this completely sucks however I decided to see if I could get the one question in my head answered.

Caligula, sorry to stop your beautiful explanation of world domination and Yadda but where is Apollo? 

I tried to ask but that was not said as I seemed to be only making some noises, at this  I see Caligula give me a sly smirk as if to taunt the situation he has me in.

"Hm, what did you say?" I realized the thing is still on my mouth so that definitely did not come out like I thought it would.

*sigh* Thankfully even with the thing in my mouth I could still breathe properly, I await for Caligula to keep going but, he only stares seeming to think.

As I looked at him questioningly, I see him raise his hand and whatever thing or spell was on my mouth seemed to have broken as I said something about and could finally hear words coming out of my mouth.

"What did you want to ask fire girl?" Caligula sickly and sweetly asks me that lame question, fire girl is that the best he could come up with?

"Yeah, actually I was just wondering where is Apollo anyway I mean, he doesn't seem to be anywhere we looked and I doubt he is here as that would be stupid am I right so does that mean he is on another boat?" I don't know what it was but, Caligula did strike me as someone who owns multiple boats.

Maybe it was the freaking boat outfit he was wearing that gave me the impression or maybe I heard it from one of the other campers who have gone up against him before.

"Oh, he is on this boat but, don't worry you won't ever be able to reach him!" He smirks with pride as  I roll my eyes this dude just seems to want to be taken down what with that cocky answer.

Then again I can't really do much still as my powers seem to not be coming to life at the moment, and my team is completely passed out still and nope, can't reach any weapon so how am I going to get everyone and myself out of this situation?

I don't know honestly I pray that one of the others wakes up soon because I do not want to be the only one up having to suffer Caligula and his constant talking.

Not that would be the only reason I want them to be ok of course but, still, I don't want to hear this man talk anymore I just want to find Apollo.

"Uh, Where is he? Where is Apollo" I accidentally scream out as Caligula just smirks leaving me in complete silence.

*Done, oh my gosh we still don't truly know where Apollo is at but of course, he is somewhere on this boat, cocky Caligula will this come back to bite him or is he seriously just a resurrected lunatic, maybe they forgot his brain cells when resurrecting the dude. Anyway, the next time, we figure out how they even got captured and where in the plan it went all wrong for the team, In the chapter called " Captured" I know right aren't I so clever hehe? Will the team ever figure out how Caligula ever found them, Will they ever get out and find Apollo, or is someone hidden and plain sight who knows oh wait I do! Bye My Little Bears*

 Anyway, the next time, we figure out how they even got captured and where in the plan it went all wrong for the team, In the chapter called " Captured" I know right aren't I so clever hehe? Will the team ever figure out how Caligula ever found th...

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