Background Information

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I will be making some chances to the story line if I wanted it all to make sence.
There will be a lot of plot holes and I am aware of that.

Also,read the description if you haven't yet since it will be rather confusing if you don't.

So about Nezuko,She came to know about Demons much earlier than Tanjiro.
       Nezuko was always a curious and observant child,she always wondered why her father would perform the God of the Sun dance every year without fail, even despite his body's weak condition.
The more she looked at her father's graceful movements,the more she wondered about it.

Why does it look like he's swinging something?
The way he moves resembles the swift movement of a katana.

She wondered.
One day she finally asked her father about it, he was rather shocked by her questions,but since she had already gotten this far in her observations he knew that it wouldn't be long before she found out herself,so he explained to her the existence of demons.
She was rather fascinated by the idea of Man eating demons, not because they ate humans jesus no,but because she wondered how they came to be.

Her father also told her about Demon Slayers,he of course didn't know much about them given the Fact that they were a secret organization.
All he could tell her was that Demon Slayers do exactly what their title intels,they slay demons.

Ever since that day her fascination and interest in Demons began to grow.
She soon started to swing a stick around imagining it as a Katana.
Sometime later her Father found this out , he asked her if she wanted to become a demon slayer, she was young and her father was worried,starting to regret his decision of telling her about the World of demons.
Nezuko didnt know how to answer,she didn't want to become a demon slayer,but if a demon ever decided to attack her family she would want to try her best to protect them.
(Girly didn't try hard enough though clearly💀)

Her father gave her a wooden sword the day after and showed her how to properly wield a sword,
He would teach her everything he knew (which wasn't much) till the day he died.





Nezuko Kamado First empress of the Northern Empire

How did Nezuko become an empress???

Here's what happened

Nezuko was outside playing with her younger siblings in one of the many flower fields that could be found around her house in the mountains.
It was spring and the cherry blossom trees were in full bloom as well as the flowers.

From the trees,out came a strange man with a creepy looking smile as he walked towards them.
The man Had long midnight blacl hair tied into a long ponytail and light blue eyes tjat shined brightly as the sunlight reflected into them.
The man looked very beautiful, he wore very extravagant looking clothes decorated with golden details at the end of his haori.

Yes,a very beautiful man indeed.
But despite his beautiful appearance and extravagant clothes the man himself gave off a very eerie aura.
And his smile was so creepy.

The man offered,no more like Ordered for nezuko to come with him to his palace,where he will make her the happiest girl ever.
Nezuko didnt know what he meant and just thought he was dropped as a baby. What nonsense is he saying??
Be my concubine he said,Nezuko declined that offer and walked away with her siblings in toe, leaving behind a very angry looking man.
Looking back at it he wasn't that beautiful.

Anyway Days passed and everything seemed as peaceful as can be.
Untill tjay man made his appearance once again,he kidnapped Her younger sister and poisoned her mother.
Next to her poisoned mother was a letter.

If you want the antidote and your sister,come to my palace and become my concubine.

Nezuko was angered,she didn't waste any time and began her journey to the Northern Palace,determined to save both her sister and mother.

Nezuko was stopped at the gates of the palace by the guards,All Nezuko could do was glare at the armed men as they frowned at her 'what is a child doing here?' They wondered.
Nezuko didn't have time for them, she just walked right passed them statting that she was going to kill him and deal with the consequences later.

Why didn't the guards stop her you ask??Well because the King was the most repugnant human being one could ever lay their eyes upon.
It would be a blessing if he died,nobody would bat an eye at his death rather the whole kingdom would celebrate his passing.
He is the reason why the kingdom is going into bankruptcy,this man is the reason why they are about to enter a war that they can not win.

A little insight on the king

The king had always been an I responsible twat,a dead beet.
He would always use the kingdoms money and waste them into lavish stuff or to please his concubines.
Everytime he would lay his eyes on a pretty lady he would order them to be his concubines ,if they declined he would force them to.

The Imperial council all agreed that they needed to do something about this,they couldn't possibly kill the king because he didn't have an heir.
Instead they came up with a different solution,Have him marry a lady that can take care of the kingdom in his stead.
It was brilliant.
And they had the perfect candidate for the role.
Duchess Amelia de von Hart
A lady that came from nothing,she made a name for herself and climbed the social latter.

She went from being the illegitimate child of a duke,to being the flower of high society, she soon proved her worth and became the heir to the dukedom.
And now she will go from being a Duchess,to a Queen.
She would soon become the Hope and pride of the Northern kingdom.
After her Wedding to the King , Amelia started doing her job as queen almost right away,she signed many peace treaties and saved the kingdom from bankruptcy.
She was Recorded as the most respected Queen of the Northern kingdom,remembered as the kingdom's pride and hope.
The kingdoms joy didn't last for long though,the king found out aboit the councils plan to dispose of him as soon as he got the Queen pregnant.
Just because he was a man that couldn't keep if in his pants didn't mean that he was stupid.
He made a plan to get rid of the Queen.
He planted evidence in her chambers and falsely accused her of adultery, even thought everyone knew that those were false accusations nobody had the guts to go against the dumb king,nor did they have the proofs to prove her innocence.

Queen Amelia was to be sentenced to Death on the day.
A Public execution was to be held for adultery.

Everyone believed the queen was dead,I mean they did see her get publicly executed.

Im reality the Queen was being held captive in the dungeon underneath the Castle grounds,tortured daily for years to come.

Back to Nezuko

In conclusion Nezuko managed to kill the King , got the Antidote and rescued Hanako.

And that is how she became The Ruler of the North.

She council wanted her to stay and rule over the kingdom immediately,but nezuko declined stating that she was much too young to rule over a kigdom.
The council was frustrated until nezuko said that she would come back in a few years when she is ready to take over the kingdom,until then they would need to appoint a King Regent.

That is how nezuko became the Ruler of the North.

Nezuko in the Remarried empressWhere stories live. Discover now