Chapter 1

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                                        Chapter 1
It was a normal morning in the Northern Empire,the birds were up,the knights were training, people were waking up and getting ready to work, and in a room somewhere in the Imperial Palace the Northern Empress known as Nezuko Kamado was being yelled at by her Royal Advisor also known as  Senjurō,her Personal Guard most commonly known as Sanemi,or shinazugawa-san ,and Queen Amelia,also know as queen Amelia.

Anyway the point is that she was being scolded for sneaking into the kitchen at night and eating the chicken that was supposed to be used for tonight's banquet.
"I DIDN'T KNOW OK???!"Nezuko yelled in desperation trying to get out of this shameful situation "YOU STILL ATE THE MOST IMPORTANT CHICKEN IN UR LIFE" Said both Senjurō and Sanemi trying to get their point across. "AND IT WAS GOOD TOO...I was hungry"Said Nezuko "Nezuko Darling,I understand that you were hungry,you did skip dinner because of how much paperwork there was" Nezuko seemingly brightened at Amelias words as she went and hugged her tightly.


Nezuko hid behind queen Amelia poking her head out only to stick her middle finger at Sanemi.
"Yes,you're right Sanemi,Nezuko needs a punishment"
Nezuko paled at Queen Amelias words, feeling betrayed by her nezuko left her side and sulked in a corner as Both Sanemi and Senjurō creepily smiled at the word 'Punishment'.

"Should we maybe up her training hours"-Sanemi

"We should have her cook for the staff for a week"-Senjurō

"Give her more paperwork"-Sanemi

"The more paperwork the less she'll sleep"-Senjurō

Nezuko just sulked even more,totally regretting eating that damned chicken.
Of course Amelia wasn't going to 'punish her' , she had deliberately left the chicken out for Nezuko to eat it.
Nezuko had been working nonstop without rest,she needed a Vacation.
And this was all part of her plan.

"She likes doing Paperwork, I already have the perfect punishment for a Workaholic like her,She is to go to the Eastern Empire and stay there until the New Years celebration is over.
At this point Nezuko had stopped Sulking and just stared at Amelia who just simply winked at her,at that moment Nezuko had realised what Queen Amelia was doing.
She needed to put on an act to make the guys believe her misery ofc.
"NO!!Please anything but that!!I PROMISE I WONT DO IT AGAIN"

Sanemi and Senjurō,both too dumb to understand what was actually going on seemed pleased with Nezukos Misery.

Nezuko and Amelia could only giggle internally.

The next day

Nezuko's P.O.V
I am So glad to Have Amelia with me,if only it wasn't for that damned chicken!!
But anyway,that chicken was something sent from the heavens. I don't regret eating that chicken at all,because now I get to stay with Navier for half a year. What more could I wish for in this life??

The journey to the Eastern Empire was a long one, although I wanted to get there as soon as possible I couldn't not stop the carriage and let the horses take a break.
I can only hope that we get there soon.
Not even a second later after my oh so inspiring internal monologue,we got ambushed by assassins.
Lucky me.
How did I know they were assassins??Well unless the coachman has a screaming kink then its most likely an assassin.
So glad My belongings and the lady's waiting are in a separate carriage.
As I opened the carriage door,sword in hand,the first thing I saw was the decapitated head of a horse and five men completely dressed in black.
They seemed to completely ignore the fact that I was out of the carriage,so what did I do?Well I jumped up to one of the men and slashed him in the chest with my sword "Dang dudes...What the horse do?" At that remark I earned a stab to my left leg,I jumped out of the way only to see that there weren't just 5 assassins,no no no there was a whole army of them.
Today's my lucky day😟.

Nezuko in the Remarried empressWhere stories live. Discover now