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You should read this before u get confused later☠️

High school sucks ass frl bro😼

Niggas got finals, tests, quizzes EVERY DAMN WEEK??LIKE HELLO☠️

Anyways, my last finals are in two weeks??Not really, more like a week and a half.

I started this story like in 2023, and never could finish it because of how much work they gave.
Come on man, u want me to study AND turn in ur two projects by the end of the week??
No Idea how I passes my first semester, but I'm currently failing three out of my 4 classes, and we only have less than three weeks of school left.

I've missed school a lot because I was sick, no Like REALLY sick.
Was hospitalized 3 times in two months.
I have almost 50 absences in each class and the maximum amount of absences one can have is 10☠️

So I'm kind of screwed if they decide to make me repeat the year due to my absences, but I hope they don't because of my RIDICULOUS amount of doctors notes, my counselor said he would fix everything if I get my grades up, which is what I'm doing.

Can u imagine having a 5% in English?🙃

Anyway,I reread the story, and I gotta say, it's kind of ass.
I'm not discontinuing it since I really like the idea of it, but I am going to restart it with better grammar during the summer, that's all😼.

Bye bye, see you all in june.

Question: should I restart the story on this story?Yk like let this one up and then make a new chapter on it restarting everything leaving the old story in the same book, I kind of like the idea of it so that I can look back on it and laugh at my past mistakes.
Its kind of like a crackfic before the actual fic. Like, oh u really thought that was the story??surprise mf😼
I think it'd be fun.

Or should I just create a whole new palate completely?

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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