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(name) excitedly rushes over to her father, hugging him. "I missed you, kid, (father's name) smiles."you ready?" (name) nodded, going in his car. It would be a long drive, but it would be worth it. 

"Okay, (Father's Name) replies, beginning to drive. (Name) smiles."I wish Mom told me more about you." He smiles."Yeah. But we'll see each other a lot now." (Name) nods, staring at the window happily. 

She did feel happy about this move, oddly enough. Being away from her overbearing mother was nice, really nice, and a fresh start. Who wouldn't jump to an opportunity like that? Most people might not. But knowing (name)'s background, she did.

They drove past the Forks sign, and unlike her expectations, The town seemed moody, gloomy even, as it rained. Washington was a rainy state, according to (mother's name). And surprisingly, She was right. 

(Name) and (Father's Name) pull up to the house, which was big for just the two of them, She wondered if her parents planned on having more kids before the divorce. "You've got a nice place, (name) compliments.

(father's name) chuckles." and look, we're next door to the swans." "Who's that? (Name) asked. "Some old friends of mine, (Father's Name) says."Well, just Charlie and Isabella now." (Name) nodded, she doubted she even met them before but hoped they were nice. 

(Name) and her father enters the house. "Where's my room? She asked. "I'll show you, (Father's Name) said, going upstairs first. He shows the room. "Whoa, this is amazing, (name) said."thank you, dad."

"no problem, kid, (father's name) replies, hugging her. She had gotten some letters from (father's name) during her childhood, but never met him in person, due to her mom. (Name) put her things in her room. 

"Well um, I'm going to let you settle in, what do you want for dinner? (father's name) asked. "I don't mind anything, (Name) said completely honest. (Father's name) sighs."I'll just order pizza."


(name) was excited. her new computer, she even got a new phone not so long ago from her mother who felt so guilty about abandoning (Name). She plopped down on her bed. Sure, tomorrow would be an adventure, but (Name) assured herself everything would be fine, hopefully. 

And she was going to get used to having a Dad around hopefully. Throughout her entire life, she craved affection and a father figure. Her mother refused to tell (Name) anything about him. And turns out, He tried to see her.

Shortly after arriving, the Pizza came so time for dinner. "Hey, Dad? (name) asks. "hm? (father's name) replies, chewing on his piece. "Mom says you didn't try to see me or be a father, (Name) said."Is that true?"

(Father's Name) shakes his head." Your mother and me... we disagreed on many things. But I loved you, I truly did. So I hoped I'd get to see you after the divorce, (Name). Yet I never did." (Name) Frowned."I'm sorry, Dad."

"Don't be sorry. You're here now, aren't you?"

(name) nodded, shyly smiling. she did blame her mother for many things. they were never close. (Name) and (Mother's Name) bickered often, and (Mother's Name), being a narcissist, blamed everything on (name).

(name) remembered her apologizing, begging for forgiveness, swearing she'd change but never did. "You okay? (Father's Name) asks. (Name) nods. "So um, you've got any friends around here besides the Swans? (name) asks, changing the subject.

(Father's Name) nods."You can meet them tomorrow. Well, I did plan for you to meet Billy and Jacob." (Name) looked confused as she ate her pizza. but assumed they were his friends, too. Must've been super close or something. 

(Name) honestly didn't really know much about her own father. She blamed herself but mostly blamed (Mother's Name) for some reason. "Okay, (name) responds, finishing her food."I'm kind of tired."

"Okay, (Father's Name) responds."I love you." (Name) smiles."I love you too, Dad."  (Name) was exactly tired, so she wasn't lying. Besides, She did have a long day tomorrow. Going in her room, (Name) unpacked and got into pajamas. 

She couldn't sleep right away, though. New environment, it would take some time to get used to. (Name) just stared at the ceiling, her mom calling her. Giving in, (Name) answers.

"What? She harshly says. "Oh (name), I really miss you! Are you sure you'd want to be with the man who abandoned you? (mother's name) said on the phone. "Mom, he didn't abandon me, She sighed."You lied. Look, I've made up my mind. Besides, isn't Chicago perfect for you?"

"Of course it is, but not without you!"


(Name) ended the call in frustration. Stupid she even picked up. Her mother had called her 20 times and she didn't answer, getting several voicemails. The concern was pathetic, and not believable. 

She wondered if (mother's name)'s new boyfriend was making her do this for some reason. (name) even had a tv, which she liked. staring at her window, she reconsidered her decision for a second.

but why was she? she hadn't even started school here. forks didn't seem so bad so far. In fact, small towns (Name) liked. Small community. Living in the city most of her life was a change she'd adjust to eventually. 

Unlike her mother, who said small towns like Forks were too much for her to handle. (name) tossed and turned for some time, before eventually falling asleep.  (Name) however, woke up in the middle of the night due to a nightmare.

Sighing with relief, (Name) was puzzled. She didn't remember reading books or seeing Vampires in anything, why did she dream of random vampires her mind created?  They looked so specific and the same. 

Those amber eyes turned red. 

Just in case, (Name) got up, closing her window if anything attempted to get in. Of course, that wouldn't really help her, would it? Vampires weren't very scary since she knew they weren't real, and they weren't. She just had 1 silly dream. 

(Name) groaned."I'm so stupid. Did someone mention Vampires or something?" (Name) didn't want this nightmare to bother her, so she went back to sleep, sleeping peacefully and with a smile on her face. 

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