Chapter 4

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TRIGGER WARNING🚨 SLIGHT MENTIONS THE EXISTENCE  OF RELIGION & JESUS AND GOD. If any of this makes you uncomfortable I suggest skipping this chapter
Cleo shouldn't talk to strangers

I've been in the same position for 4 hours.

In about 5 minuets mother will storm upstairs and start yelling at me for being lazy.

In the back of my mind, I ponder if God really exists. It's preposterous I know, but I still think about the possibility of God not being real. We sit in a room full of crosses and worship something we haven't seen in how many years?

I don't mean to offend anybody, if my mom heard my thoughts on God she'd probably try and perform an exorcism on me. But if God was real, God would've found a way to keep my father in my life.

It seems pathetic, but I dream about waking up one day and seeing him at the edge of my bed. He would apologize for how he left us, admire how much I had grown and run away again but this time, he'd take me with him.

I can't give up, is what Leila tells me, whenever something bad happens I blame the universe. I blame the universe for about everything actually, the way I was born, my flaws and so on, sometimes I fantasize abou being a completely different person, but dreaming about an alternative life isn't healthy, the bad thoughts linger for far too long.

"Cleo. Get off your lazy-

"Coming mom!" I cut her off before she sais something she regrets.
Location: shopping center

Just like that, I told you mother would find a job for me that she can physically do herself, sometimes I think she just birthed me so that I can do the dirty work for her.

The cart tries to escape my grasp but I quickly grab a hold of it again, my other hand holding the shopping list concerningly close to my face,

Oat milk✔

I struggle to roll my cart over to the baked goods isle to find the cookies I always buy.

This is how I have to live, the only time I get sweets is when somebody comes over, which hasn't happened in a while since my mother seems to be unable to leave the house and meet actual people other than those chruch moms on facebook.

I secretly buy cookies with my own card, buying the other ingredients with mothers. I make sure to put the cookies somewhere she can't see when I get home, hence why I never fail to wear baggy clothes to stores, and just shove some tim tams into my pocket and hide it upstairs! Nobody suspects a thing.

I've been doing this for 3 years.
Ok, focus where are the tim tams? Of course they're teasing me by being on the top shelf.
I sigh, knowing It'll take a good 6 minuets to get something I shouldn't even need to sneak around to buy.

Standing on the edge of my toes to reach for them, Istill can't even touch the edge of the shelf, rising with all my might suddenly I feel somebody behind me, I freeze thinking it's a grown ass man due to the size but relaxing when I recognise the cologne.

I turn around cautiously looking into her eyes, she furrows her brows, looking at my choice of rebel snack before giving me a breathtaking smile

"You have good taste," she smirks, fiddling with the packet with her large hands, she has the tiniest gap inbetween her two front teeth,

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