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[There is a new character introduced, but no romance, as one is not ready. Strictly a father/son story with a potential future for romance.]

Three months after Avengers: Endgame/Three months before The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Jace looked up from his math worksheet. "Daddy, why'd Mommy have to leave?"

Bucky looked at his son. "I don't know, bud. I wish she was still here."

"I miss her lots."

"I miss her too." He brought over a glass of milk for Jace and sat at the table.

Jace stood and walked over to a small bookshelf and pulled out a photo album. He opened it and began looking for a picture. When he found it, he walked toward his father and pointed to the picture. "That's my favorite of Mommy."

Bucky smiled. "That's one of my favorites of her, too."

"Did you like Mommy?"

"I liked her a lot."

Jace looked down, then up with a smile. "Miss Morgan is nice."

"Your teacher? Jace, I don't know."

"I'm hungry. Can we go see Mr. Yori?" He pointed to the date on a small calendar. "We always see Mr. Yori today."

Bucky sighed, knowing his son was right. "Sure. We can finish homework later."

The two made their way to Izzy's and when they entered, Jace climbed up onto a stool. "Hi, Leah."

Leah smiled. "Hi, Jace."

"Can I have, um, Daddy, can I get pop?"

Bucky considered it and nodded. "Sure. But no refills, okay?"

"Okay. Miss Leah, can I have Sprite?"

Leah smiled. "Sure."

A blonde woman walked up. "Hi, Jace. How are you?"

Jace grinned. "I'm good. Daddy, it's Miss Morgan!"

Bucky gave a small wave. "Hi. I'm Bucky. Jace has said a lot about you."

"Audrey," she replied. "Jace goes on and on about you as well."

Jace smiled, happily sipping his Sprite as soon as it arrived.

Audrey glanced at Jace with a small smile, then back to Bucky. "I think your son is trying to set us up."

Bucky chuckled awkwardly. "God, I hope not. I lost my wife, Jace's mom, during the Blip, and, uh..."

"You're not ready for anything. I understand."

"I would like to see you again. Maybe grabbing a drink some time?"

"I'd like that. But I don't have a lot of free time right now."

"Can I give you my number and when you have more time maybe we can get that drink?"

She nodded. "Sure."

Audrey pulled out her phone and Bucky put his number in. She sent him a message with her name.

Audrey smiled. "It was nice to meet you, Bucky, but unfortunately I've got to get back to grading. It was nice to see you as well, Jace. I'll see you at school."

Jace waved. "Bye, Miss Morgan."

Bucky sat on a stool next to his son and asked, "What do you want?"

"A hamburger like Mommy liked."

"That sounds like a great idea, bud."

"Are you gonna marry Miss Morgan?"

"No, I'm not."


"Because I don't know her."

"Do you want to know her? She's nice."

Bucky glanced at Audrey who was tapping her pen as she looked over a paper. "Yeah, she is."

While he was by no means ready for a relationship, it didn't hurt to get a drink with someone. Right?

Audrey Morgan

Audrey Morgan

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