Drunk Goddess Drama

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You have concluded one thing about your past life: Target sucks.

While walking through the busy parking lot on a rainy afternoon, you were humming your merry tune. A new game had come out just yesterday, and you had preordered it before anyone else.

"It's called 'Game of Love,'" you explained eagerly to your friend. "I saw a trailer of it on YouTube and I just- oh I immediately fell in love."

"Didn't you say that last game but you hated the plot?" your friend asked. You could feel them roll their eyes.

"Rex, you know I can't resist pretty boys," you giggled.

You hear a tire skid and car horn honk. You took the phone away from your eyes as a large, heavy trunk's lights blinded you. You screamed, feet stuck to the ground.

Everything became dark in an instant.

"He-e-e-e-ey are you alive?"


"Little girl-l-l-l! Are you dead?"

You opened your eyes. I-I'm alive? you wondered, slowly propping yourself up on your arm and rubbing your head groggily. "Am I alive?"


You looked up to see a woman lying on her side lazily, a glass of sparkling wine in her hand. It seemed to be glowing a soft light, and its bubbles were slightly larger than the carbonated beverages you knew.

"Where am I?"

"Let's just call it purgatory," she replied lazily, sipping her drink daintily. "So welcome!"

You rushed up to her and grabbed her bare, slim arm. "I should be dead!"

She laughed. "Oh, you are dead. I just saved you!"

"Who are you?"

She smiled. "I'm a goddess, of course!"

"That wasn't very obvious. I mean, I thought you were the Grim Reaper."

She gasped dramatically, putting her hand on her breast. "You dare compare me to him? He's a lousy shut-in that grumbles and moans about doing his job all the time! I take my job with dignity!"

She took your hand gently off of her arm with a drowsy smile. "I am Celeste, goddess of the sun and rebirth! Although, I can only reincarnate people so I can't bring them back from the dead of Morber will be pissed but oh whatever. They're not really fun at parties."

"This is crazy- I must be dreaming in a hospital right now," you said with a laugh of disbelief.

"Nope..." she said slothfully, sitting up on her dark gray box made of the infinite void. "Welcome to your death!" She giggled with a small hiccup.

By now, you were starting get concerned. "Wait, I'm dead? Then why am I here?"

"Well, you see, I was making this game!" she exclaimed. "And I need a test subject."

"A game?"

"Yeah, yeah. A game," she replied, waving her hand as if she was dismissing you. "I like making romance games."

"And you, uh, publish it to... where?"

"To the humans, of course!" she said as if it was an obvious answer. "I do lo-o-ove making games! They're so fun and easy."

You laughed nervously, wondering what to say about her passion. A goddess of the sun making a videogame?

"Well, um, what's the game called?"

The Game of Love (Yandere!Males x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now