Lucia's Breakdown

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You mulled the crowd for you purple-haired friend, but she was nowhere to be found.

"Where would she be?" you asked. "Oh wait, probably with the prince. What excellent timing."

"Who are you talking to?" a girl asked.

You straightened up. "Oh, no one. Don't worry about it."

Seriously, nice job with the NPC detail, you thought with a small nod.

Thank you!

"What the fuck?" you yelped. Some girls stared at you going insane over a familiar voice in your head.

Is this thing on? the goddess asked in your head.

You rubbed your temples with a sharp exhale. How did you get into my head?

You see, I have this microphone. I stole it from the goddess of thought. Methe, she responded casually.

Aren't you going to get in trouble for that?

Maybe, she responded with a shrug that you couldn't see.

So, are you going to do this all the time? you wondered.

No, but I do have one question to ask: keep the notebook with you so I can communicate with you and explain bugs I come across and how I am going to fix them. I can't use this Thought Microphone forever, unless I want to get caught. Just retrieve the book when you get back.

"Okay," you mumbled.

"Who are you speaking to?" you heard from behind. You turned around to see the prince of Shehua standing behind you.

Quinn smiled, handing you a small slip. "Sorry for sneaking up behind you, but you seemed to be in deep thought. I didn't want to break your concentration."

You fingered the black, sleek strip of paper with a confused expression. "What's this?"

"It's permission for you to come back tomorrow. I'm looking forward to your arrival," he replied, lifting your hand and kissing the back of it lightly. "You are the only one I truly remember from all of the interviews. Thank you for such a wonderful time."

You're welcome!

Not a problem.

(Stay silent)

"You're welcome," you responded with a small smile, a light blush dusting your cheeks.

"I am excited to get to know you." His hand lingered inside of yours, before you spotted Lucia out of the corner of your eyes.

You turned towards her, hand slipping out of Quinn's. "I'll see you tomorrow, your highness."

"Please, call me Quinn."

"Quinn?" you questioned. "We aren't that close..."

He glared, intimidating you with his height and aura. "You shall address me as 'Quinn.' Anything but that, and there will be consequences."

You felt shaken to your core from his words. He nodded with a close-eyed smile before walking away.

"(Y/n)!" you heard from behind. Lucia was running up to you, stumbling in her heels with a worried look. "Are you okay?"

"I'm alright. Why do you ask?"

"Because of Prince Quinn!" she gasped for breath. "We should leave."

"Did you do something wrong?"

She looked around, before whispering: "I need to tell you about Quinn, but I can't do it here." She retracted from your ear. "it can't be in here. How about you stay over for the night at my place? Your house is bare and not very... homely."

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