Chapter 1

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                                                                            |   Chapter 1 

                                                                            "I'm a what!?" |

Narrator POV:

Practice just ended and I just left the gym to go to my dorm that I share with Taichi ,He was going to go home for the weekend to visit his family (Lucky Baster-), don't get him wrong he would love to visit his family but he also have a lot happening at the moment like keeping up with his grades, volleyball , and trying to figure something out..

Once Shirabu got to his dorm taichi was already gone , which he was happy about and a bit sad,which he would never admit that he liked his best friends company and that he misses his family speaking of his family he has a necklace-, wait- he forgot his necklace his family (more like his mom and dad) gave him right before he went to Shiratorizawa , it was a crystal necklace with his family picture on it, he knew he was missing something from the gym.

"Ughhh- great now I have to go back to the gym-" he say out of frustration and tiredness 

He then went down the stairs as he walk he saw a Familiar senpai, He wonder why he was running into the gym? 

"Why is semi running into the gym?" Shirabu wonder as he walk into the gym , he then went into the change rooms to look for his necklace , after looking far a minute he saw his necklace 

(A/N: The necklace:

                                          Just pretend there is a picture of Shirabu Family on it     )                                                    

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                                          Just pretend there is a picture of Shirabu Family on it     )                                                    

But right before he could grab it he heard something from the supply closest, 'Huh..' he then went near the closet and opened the door then a thing grabbed him!! , "Ahhhhhhh!!!" He screams, "S..Shirabu!!!!!" He heard it was semi!- 

"Semi!! What is this thing!!" Shirabu screams, semi didn't answer he just took out a bow and arrow , 'what is he going to do with that!' Shirabu thought then semi Shot the "Thing" and it turned into dust, just then Tendou and Goshiki came into the gym closing the doors "Eita were here-" Tendou siad but he didn't finish his sentence "What is Kenjiro doing here!?" "I don't know tendou , ask him" semi said , Shirabu just stood there shocked with what just happened "Kenjiro?" He heard Tendou say "mmm.." "are you okay?" Tendou ask what did he think- did he think he was okay,sure he was but he had so many questions to ask , what was that thing?, what did semi have a bow and arrow!? , Why are they so calm about this? "Uh.. yeah but- what was that thing" shirabu said and the three looked at him , "well Shirabu you just saw a Harpy" Tendou said with a smirk on his face "wait- you aren't going to question how he's able to see through the mist?" Goshiki said "Oh- well maybe he one of those mortals how can see through it" Tendou said "You don't think he's.." "Maybe.. but like I said he might be one of those mortals that can see through it Goshiki" "Maybe.." Harpy, Mortals, Mist,A bow and arrow..!? What- Shirabu was so confused, semi seemed to notice that he was confused "Guys he looks confused" semi said "Oh-" They both say "Uhhh.." Shirabu said in a daze "Uhhh wait- why were you down here in the gym Shirabu?" Semi ask "uhh... I forgot something.." "Oh..well since you saw all of...that..we should probably tell you" Semi said.

That brought Shirabu back to his sense "um yeah I think we should" Tendou said "Ok what do you want to know?" Semi ask Shirabu "uhh What do u mean mortals?" That's a good place to start "like aren't you guys mortals as well?" "Uhh- no.." semi said "huh-" "uhh we're Demigods or Half bloods as some people like to call us" "what-" Shirabu said "do you know anything about Greek mythology?" Semi ask "yeah.." Shirabu said "well let's just say that the gods are real.."  Shirabu was Shocked the gods were real!? They saw the look on Shirabu's face "yeah.. we're demigods Shirabu like Eita said like we have one Mortal parent and one Godly Parent" Tendou explains "So like your all Related..?" "Not really we all have different godly parents like how I'm the son of Hermes , Goshiki is the son of Aphrodite and Semisemi is the son of Apollo" Tendou says 

This was a lot for Shirabu to take in "so you all are demigods" "Yes you idiot-" semi says Shirabu made an annoyed face "so- anything else?" "Uhh- no" Shirabu says feeling like he's going to faint "wait- didn't you forget something in the gym Shirabu-san-?" Goshiki ask "Oh- thanks for reminding me-" Shirabu then went to the changing rooms and Got his necklace and put it on, he then went out, "do you think he's one of us?" "Maybe I mean he did see the harpy" "well I guess we found a new demigod- oh" Semi says 

"What..?" Shirabu says shocked "oh- Shirabu I guess your one of us" "I'm one of you-?" "Yeah a demigod" Tendou says "I'm a what!?" Shirabu screams "A demigod" Tendou says , Just then shirabu see's Pomegranate and Grains "What-" he said "oh- wait pomegranates is he a Aphrodite son?" Goshiki says "I don't think so maybe a Demeter?" Tendou says "No I don't think so Kita was claimed with Roses and Grains not pomegranates" Tendou says "We can ask Chiron About his godly parent" while Tendou and Goshiki were talking about that semi was just watching shirabu run away from his godly parent sign , then the sign disappeared,  "I need to sit down" Shirabu says while sliding down the wall and he then past out, "great job Tendou" Semi says "I-" Tendou says "Let's just take him up stairs" Semi says "Yeah" Goshiki says "Wait- where though- our room was trash by the Harpy" Semi says "Well my roommate is gone for the weekend so he can go there" Goshiki says "Okay let's gooooo" Tendou says.

They all then leave the gym

To be continued..


End of Chapter one 

"I'm A What!?" 

Of "Welcome To Camp Half-Blood Shirabu !"

Heyyyyy- , yes I'm back with a new fanfic 

I hope you liked it ^^ , yes ik I have a lot of fix's to finish but I really wanted to start this but I will try and update this as much as I can. Also this is a bit inspired but "Demigods And Canoe Lakes | Semishira" Fanfic by NieNieDoULoveMe on Ao3 so pls go check that out ^^

That's all bye !! 


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